FAS makes an indirect move against monopoly


On 15th July 2009, the Commission of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia) began proceedings in a case against «Acer Inc.», «ASUSTeK Computer Inc.», «Toshiba Corporation», «Hewlett-Packard Company», « Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.» and «Dell Inc.» for the elements of violating the anti-monopoly legislation.

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helix's picture
Created by helix 15 years 5 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

SCO and Darl McBride Paid $100,000 to Steven Norris


Wild, wild SCO is doing more wild things. THE NOTORIOUS SCO case will resume in a couple of days and for those who missed the fascinating developments from the past couple of weeks...

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 5 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Link Found Between Potential SCO Rescuers and Microsoft


Microsoft hooks up with LNS, which is related to York Capital

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 5 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Wait a Minute. What Was That Darl Said About New Deals in 2003?


Something clicked in my brain when I was slogging through the list of contracts SCO says it would like to transfer to unXis and its list of licensees going back to the '70s, which you can find as Exhibit A here and as Exhibit A continued here.

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vikash's picture
Created by vikash 15 years 5 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

First Reports From the SCO Bankruptcy Hearing


Here's our first taste of what is happening in the SCO bankruptcy hearing. Mr. Spector is dancing up a storm. IBM and Novell are just trying to kill SCO off, he says. This is a great deal and the sale should go forward. Everyone will get paid.

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pontifex's picture
Created by pontifex 15 years 5 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

AT&T's 4chan Block Raises Issue of Net Neutrality


It appears some of AT&T's broadband customers across the United States were intentionally blocked from accessing the infamous forum 4chan over the weekend.

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pravat's picture
Created by pravat 15 years 5 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Wiki founder hopes win over Apple bodes well for online freedom and Linux


The founder of a wiki site that attracted the force of Apple's legal team hopes that his stand against Apple will create a precedent that will encourage online freedom in the future.

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bruce.almighty's picture
Created by bruce.almighty 15 years 5 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Microsoft Did Violate the GPLv2


A red-handed Microsoft did after all violate the GNU GPL, according to the SFLC

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 5 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

About Hans Bayer


Groklaw's reporters who attended the SCO bankruptcy hearing on the 27th reported that SCO portrayed Hans Bayer as not an officer of the company and not authorized to speak for SCO about the unXis deal. As a result, some emails by Bayer about the proposed sale to unXis were stricken from the record. I'll show you in a minute why SCO was so eager to have the emails stricken.

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smithers's picture
Created by smithers 15 years 4 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Microsoft Releases GPL'd Software (Again): Does This Change Anything?


Microsoft has received much undeserved press about their recent release of Linux drivers for their virtualization technology under GPLv2. I say “undeserved” because I don't particularly see why Microsoft should be lauded merely for doing something that is in their own interest that they've done before.

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oshea's picture
Created by oshea 15 years 4 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

SFLC: Microsoft violated the GPL


Microsoft violated the General Public License v2 (GPLv2) when it distributed its Hyper-V Linux Integration Components (LinuxIC) without providing source code, says the Software Freedom Law Center (SFLC).

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muffinman's picture
Created by muffinman 15 years 4 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

SCO vs. Linux: Forget Hans Bayer!


The court proceedings concerning the bankruptcy of the SCO Group were finalised on Monday with a 12-hour marathon hearing. The judge's ruling is expected in about a week. A surprising aspect of the hearing was a controversy that developed around the role of SCO's Vice President Hans Bayer, the former CEO of SCO Germany.

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spambot's picture
Created by spambot 15 years 4 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Further Progress for ODF, But Derailing Still Attempted by the Microsoft Crowd


Listing of some new OpenDocument milestones and warning about those who try to push a stick into wheels of standards

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 4 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Patent reformer becomes troll, sues defunct OSS company


Dave Garrod, a lawyer who leads patent reform group PubPat's initiative against false marking, is now playing the part of the patent troll. He filed a patent infringement lawsuit against a number of tech companies, including a small Texas software company that went out of business years ago.

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Papa Smurf's picture
Created by Papa Smurf 15 years 4 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Murphy's Law: LiberKey. GPL Violation or Sour Grapes?


Hell hath no fury like an open-source developer scorned. In the red corner, we have Portable Apps and its developer, John Haller. In the blue corner, we have LiberKey and project manager Christophe Peuch.

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partytime's picture
Created by partytime 15 years 4 weeks ago
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