SCO Moves to Amend AutoZone Complaint and IBM Protective Order


SCO has been a busy bee, filing a motion to amend/correct its complaint against AutoZone and a motion to amend/correct the protective order in SCO v. IBM.

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aditiseth's picture
Created by aditiseth 15 years 11 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Why I disagree with RMS concerning Mono


Richard’s position is that it’s dangerous to include Mono to the point where removing it is difficult, should that become necessary to legally distribute your software. On the surface, I agree. But he goes a little further. And on this point, we disagree.

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tisha's picture
Created by tisha 15 years 11 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Let's Settle the Mono Debate


To most people, Mono is a disease that leaves young people tired and listless. But to members of the free software community, Mono is something worse: a controversy that leaves everybody over-wrought and mistrusting each other.

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yantramosi's picture
Created by yantramosi 15 years 11 weeks ago
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Two More Bills in the Bankruptcy and Some Trademark Oddities


There is another bill [PDF] in the SCO bankruptcy for us to go over with a fine-toothed comb, this one from Pachulski Stang, their 20th bill. And we have finished doing the text of the exhibits to SCO's proposed sale, and I noticed some things in the trademark list I thought I might highlight. It always pays to do these text versions. You do notice things that otherwise don't seem to stand out.

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pontifex's picture
Created by pontifex 15 years 11 weeks ago
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Atari 7800 goes open source


Remember the Dig Dug or Centipede or Robotron? They used to be favorites when Atari’s 7800 series was still around. Now since the era of those consoles is over and a different world of interactive reality gaming has taken over, Atari has unofficially released source code of over 15 games for the coders and enthusiasts to admire.

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sockpuppet's picture
Created by sockpuppet 15 years 11 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

SCO's Proposed Amended Complaint Against AutoZone, as text


As I mentioned earlier, SCO is asking the court [PDF] to let it amend its complaint against AutoZone, which is probably the only way it can go forward unless the appellate court rules in SCO's favor -- and then a jury does too, down the road apiece. We have the motion and the proposed amended complaint as text now.

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kaeser's picture
Created by kaeser 15 years 11 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Microsoft open-source license finds (some) love


A home-cooked Microsoft license has carved out a small but growing following among the open-source community in less than two years.

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MrSnippity's picture
Created by MrSnippity 15 years 11 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Study: GPL loses ground in open source development


The GNU General Public Licence is falling in popularity, according to figures released by Black Duck that looked at all versions of the GPL as a whole.

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MrSnippity's picture
Created by MrSnippity 15 years 11 weeks ago
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From Microsoft: C# and CLI under the Community Promise


First the big news: Microsoft will be applying the Community Promise patent licensing to both C# and the CLI.

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chen2007's picture
Created by chen2007 15 years 11 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

IBM subpoenas unXis


IBM may have run out of patience with all the mystery about SCO's proposed sale of assets to unXis. . So it has subpoenaed unXis:

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gurner's picture
Created by gurner 15 years 10 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

About the United Patent Litigation System (UPLS) and software patents


Benjamin Henrion, president of the FFII, wrote an article about UPLS and the concerns regarding software patents. (via immaterial boy http://bosson.blogspot.com/2009/07/threats-of-patent-litigation-treaty.html)

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schwoggel's picture
Created by schwoggel 15 years 10 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

SCO Files Notice of Cure Amounts Re Leases and Executory Contracts


There is a monster SCO filing in the bankruptcy, 531 pages, I'm told, a Notice of Cure Amounts in Connection with the Assumption and Assignment of Unexpired Leases and Executory Contracts [PDF] and then a 7-part exhibit. SCO proposes to transfer everything on this list to unXis "free and clear of all liens, claims, encumbrances and interests upon satisfaction of the cure amounts...

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ItalianPenguin's picture
Created by ItalianPenguin 15 years 10 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Guess Who Owns unXis.de?


Guess who owns the domain unXis.de? If you check betterwhois, you find that Eric le Blan owns the domain unXis.com, but if you go to Germany's equivalent, denic.de, a familiar SCO name appears.

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toolbanger's picture
Created by toolbanger 15 years 10 weeks ago
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Why the United Patent Litigation System Could Bring Software Patents to Europe


Criticism of the United Patent Litigation System is published to serve as a cautionary note

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 10 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Exhibit A to SCO's Notice to Cure Continued


Another 100 or so pages of lists of contracts and leases, quite a few from last century, SCO's Exhibit A continued, attached to SCO's Notice to Cure...

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sunny's picture
Created by sunny 15 years 10 weeks ago
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