IBM Replies to SCO's Opposition to Motion to Convert


IBM has filed a Reply to SCO's Response to Motions to Convert the Debtors' Chapter 11 Cases [PDF], just as Novell did earlier today. Here's the SCO Response IBM here replies to, and here's the original IBM Motion SCO is opposing. IBM's Introduction section will give you the flavor in the very first sentence...

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Sheik Djibouti's picture
Created by Sheik Djibouti 15 years 12 weeks ago
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In Fedora, Tomboy and Banshee Depend on Winforms


Banshee brings Winforms with it after all (not part of ECMA reference)

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 12 weeks ago
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Microsoft and ODF: “Not Just Beer”


Guess what conference is attended by pro-Microsoft folks who have been publicly attacking ODF along with friends at Microsoft?

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 12 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

New Zealand push for unlimited software patenting


Dear Free Software Supporters,

The New Zealand government has proposed allowing unlimited software
patenting. They are accepting comments until July 2nd, but
participation from the people who will be harmed seems very low.

The details of how to participate can be found on swpat.org:

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dawith's picture
Created by dawith 15 years 12 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

SCO vs. Linux: New investor rescues SCO from bankruptcy


In yet another bizarre twist in the interminable legal dispute over source code allegedly illegally copied from UNIX System V into Linux, the SCO Group, which claims ownership of the disputed code, has secured a last-gasp reprieve from the threat of liquidation.

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peterk's picture
Created by peterk 15 years 12 weeks ago
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SCO's Proposed Buyer and Mail Issues


Here's Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols on ComputerWorld on SCO rising from the dead. We'll see. The plan hasn't been approved, y'all. As for who is the actual buyer, it's reportedly Eric LeBlan. See updates to our last article

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netturfer's picture
Created by netturfer 15 years 11 weeks ago
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EFF Launches TOSBack - A 'Terms of Service' Tracker for Facebook, Google, eBay, and More


New Tool Documents Changes in Policy on the Internet's Biggest Websites

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peacemaker's picture
Created by peacemaker 15 years 11 weeks ago
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ODF Comes Before OOXML


ODF gains further momentum and Microsoft's smears against it gain momentum also

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 11 weeks ago
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MS v Linux: Sparks of the Tom Tom Fire stubbornly refuse to die


In course of the last decade, every once in a while Microsoft has been known to have accused Linux of infringing one of its patents or another. Despite the said multiple claims for years that elements of the open-source operating system violate its patents, Microsoft had restricted itself till 2009 to supporting legal action against Linux.

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vlovindia's picture
Created by vlovindia 15 years 11 weeks ago
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Canola Project’s GPLv3 Permissions are Worth a Look


There was an interesting announcement from Eduardo Lima of the Canola project in his speech in Mozilla Maemo Danish Weekend yesterday in Brazil.

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peacemaker's picture
Created by peacemaker 15 years 11 weeks ago
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Of Open Standards, Interoperability and Open Source


One of the key moments in the rise of open source was when Massachusetts announced that it was adopting an open standards policy for documents.

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peacemaker's picture
Created by peacemaker 15 years 11 weeks ago
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Source code for Palm WebOS released


To comply with the GPL, Palm has released the source code packages for its Linux-based WebOS used by the new Palm Pre, which has been on sale in the US since the beginning of June.

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LittleBabyCheeses's picture
Created by LittleBabyCheeses 15 years 11 weeks ago
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Ubuntu Satanic Store issue cleared up


I’ve been warned by Jono that the Satanic issue with Canonical is solved. Now, that’s fast !

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Papa Smurf's picture
Created by Papa Smurf 15 years 11 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Creative Commons 101: Learn, understanding, and using


Now anybody who's ever been in the tech world has likely heard of free software licenses such as the ever famous GPL, as well as other open source licensing systems. But far fewer have heard of Creative Commons.

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davelong's picture
Created by davelong 15 years 11 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

SCO Files Notice of Late Filing with SEC


SCO has filed a Notification of Late Filing with the SEC. They're tied up in bankruptcy court, it appears, so they can only give a ballpark idea of how things are going in the revenue department. Think South. I know.

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mick's picture
Created by mick 15 years 11 weeks ago
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