Microsoft stuck at top of open source incline


Longtime readers may remember my 2006 post on the “open source incline.” I wrote there is a relationship between how open a license is and the community support a project generates. Even while it has sprinkled itself in open source waters Microsoft has generally stayed at the top of both this and the development incline I described in 2008.

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MrSnippity's picture
Created by MrSnippity 15 years 18 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Microsoft's TomTom patents posted for patent review


Open Invention Network (OIN) announced that three of the eight patents cited in Microsoft's lawsuit against TomTom have been posted for prior art review by the Linux community. The evidence is being compiled to convince the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office that the patents are invalid.

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peacemaker's picture
Created by peacemaker 15 years 17 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Trademarks: The Hidden Menace


"From a Free Software perspective, trademarking should be considered as damaging to free software as copyright or patenting..." -- see also: Some Confusing or Loaded Words and Phrases to Avoid (or use with care)

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SCO vs. Linux - the end is nigh


There's been a new twist in the dispute between the SCO Group and Novell over UNIX Intellectual Property.

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meteores's picture
Created by meteores 15 years 17 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Transcript of May 25, 2005 Hearing in SCO v. Novell and Tracing the Amendment 2 Copyright Arguments


Here at long last is the transcript [PDF] of the May 25, 2005 hearing in SCO v. Novell, and while it is dated, and even quaint in some respects, some of it is very timely...

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beckham's picture
Created by beckham 15 years 17 weeks ago
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Trademarks: The Hidden Menace


From an open-source perspective, trademarking should be considered as damaging to open source as copyright or patenting.

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Noog's picture
Created by Noog 15 years 17 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

SCO being pushed toward liquidation


One of the most notorious and dragged-out court cases in the technology industry may soon find a quick end.

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Noog's picture
Created by Noog 15 years 17 weeks ago
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But, What Will We Do Without SCO?


The saga of SCO v. Linux, known variously as SCO v. Novell, SCO v. IBM, SCO v. Everybody and their Mother, may be coming to a close. Yes, we know this comes as a shock — if anyone needs a moment to compose themselves, or, you know, dig out a case of Dom, we'll wait — but it may well happen faster than any of us ever expected.

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Noog's picture
Created by Noog 15 years 17 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Apple v. EFF: The iPhone Jailbreaking Showdown


That was the heated topic of discussion late Friday between Apple’s iPhone marketing czar Greg Joswiak, Fred von Lohmann, the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s copyright genius, Copyright Office officials including registrar Marybeth Peters, the record labels, movie studios and software industry.

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MBP2000's picture
Created by MBP2000 15 years 17 weeks ago
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EPO in State of Turmoil, Patents Kill


The EPO faces trouble as greed takes over it; ethics of particular patents questioned thanks to the openness of the Internet

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 17 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Reader’s Article: The Microsoft Patent Threat to ODF


Coming on the heels of its April 28, 2009 release of Microsoft Office 2007 Service Pack 2 ("SP 2"), Microsoft has added several versions of the OpenDocument Format standard ("ODF")to its list of specifications covered by the Microsoft Open Specification Promise ("MOSP").

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 17 weeks ago
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On Microsoft’s Software Patents and ODF Fragmentation


MICROSOFT'S INCURSIONS INTO ODF have made a lot of headlines recently because they cause more harm than good to ODF; they fragment it, as usual.

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 17 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

IBM and Novell Move to Convert SCO BK to Chapter 7


Well, well...IBM and Novell have each filed motions in the SCO bankruptcy to convert the SCO Chapter 11 cases to Chapter 7. That makes three such motions. Here's the US Trustee's motion, if you are new. We're working on text versions.

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smithers's picture
Created by smithers 15 years 17 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Novell Still Validates Software Patents by Applying for More


A discussion commences with Novell's attitude towards software patents and proceeds to the situation in Europe and elsewhere

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 17 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Could Adobe be open-sourcing Flash?


Over the years, Adobe has become more Linux friendly. First, Adobe released an excellent version of its Flash Player for Linux, and, more recently, the company launched a version of AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime) for Linux. Now, however, with Strobe, its just announced Flash framework, Adobe looks like it may be getting more open-source friendly as well.

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gitikaru's picture
Created by gitikaru 15 years 17 weeks ago
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