Open Invention Network Is Looking For Prior Art -- 2 Ways To Help Out


Open Invention Network has announced it has decided to look for prior art on three of the Microsoft patents that were used in the TomTom litigation: Open Invention NetworkSM (OIN), a collaborative enterprise that enables innovation in open source and an increasingly vibrant ecosystem around Linux, today announced that U.S.

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New scares loom over open source license lawsuits


An attorney insists he wasn't acting as a "shill" for Microsoft in bringing the new breed of lawsuits to greater light.

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Noog's picture
Created by Noog 15 years 19 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Has the GPL out-lived its usefulness?


There have always been two schools of intellectual property thought in free software/open-source circles, and boy have they had their flame wars over the years. Things have been calm lately, but recently, Eric S. Raymond, co-founder of the OSI (Open Source Initiative), has thrown a match on the gasoline again in an essay entitled, The Economic Case Against the GPL.

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Noog's picture
Created by Noog 15 years 19 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Microsoft patents exhibited by Linux Defenders


The Open Invention Network (OIN) has placed three of the patents involved in the recently settled legal dispute between Microsoft and TomTom, the GPS navigator manufacturer, on the Linux Defenders portal, to throw them open to public investigation for prior art.

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Noog's picture
Created by Noog 15 years 19 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Apache or GPL?


Matt Asay today switched his license alliegiance, to Apache from the GPL. Before anyone starts in with the Arlen Specter jokes, let me say that based on the criteria he sets out, adoption, his argument makes sense.

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cutcross's picture
Created by cutcross 15 years 19 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Whatever Happened to OOXML?


Remember Open Office XML – a name chosen to be as confusingly close to OpenOffice XML as possible – better known as OOXML? Remember how just over a year ago this and many other blogs and news outlets were full of sound and fury, as OOXML slouched its way through the ISO standardisation process?

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goofy's picture
Created by goofy 15 years 19 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

TomTom Paid Less Than €500,000 to Microsoft


Some quick new facts about the TomTom-Microsoft settlement

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 18 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

config vfat no create with longnames


The community is at work, I see. Not only is there a prior art search going on regarding three Microsoft patents asserted against TomTom, but now Andrew Tridgell has posted some code on LKML. You'll never guess what it does?

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bolony_and_cheese's picture
Created by bolony_and_cheese 15 years 18 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

European Union wants to control the Internet!


Do not let the European Parliament close the Internet ... It will not come back!

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lozz's picture
Created by lozz 15 years 18 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Microsoft and Linux trade patent words in Europe


Enlarged Board
The reason this has now come to a head in Europe is because the Enlarged Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office has been debating whether software patents should be enforceable in EU counties. The battleground is Article 52 of the European Patent Convention, which specifically states what's excluded from patent protection.

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Noog's picture
Created by Noog 15 years 18 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

The Android name kerfluffle


The media is absolutely filled with “oh noes” stories concerning Google, and its partners in the Open Handset Alliance, being sued by Erich Specht of Palatine, Ill over its use of the word Android to describe its mobile phones.

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SCO Responds to Gray's Proposed Amicus Brief


SCO has filed its response to the proposed amicus brief by Wayne Gray, and it agrees with Novell on it -- they don't want Wayne Gray butting in to this appeal either. Novell said it was irrelevant, and SCO agrees...

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LittleBabyCheeses's picture
Created by LittleBabyCheeses 15 years 18 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:



Workaround created to dodge FAT patents, but why is Mono learning nothing from all this?

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 18 weeks ago
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U.S. Trustee Moves to Convert SCO Bankruptcy to Chapter 7


Here it is, the moment many of you have been waiting for: the U.S. Trustee's office, through its counsel, has filed a motion in the SCO bankruptcy proceeding to convert the SCO's Chapter 11 to Chapter 7. And I think this will be your favorite sentence...

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ploppsicle's picture
Created by ploppsicle 15 years 18 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Report from Denver: The SCO v. Novell Appeals Court Hearing


Here is our eyewitness account of what happened at today's appeals court hearing in the >SCO v. Novell appeal, thanks to Groklaw member Clocks, who traveled to Denver to attend. Thank you, Clocks.

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kandykorn's picture
Created by kandykorn 15 years 18 weeks ago
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