Comic: An Itch Apple Can’t Quite Scratch


Psystar seems to just keep bothering Apple, most recently promising to continue fighting the lawsuit and introuducing Blu-Ray drives into their open Macs. However this turns out, it will be a very interesting fight.

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kaeser's picture
Created by kaeser 15 years 46 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Novell Makes a Move -- Motion for Constructive Trust and Payment Now


Here we go. Novell has filed a motion asking the bankruptcy court to confirm the constructive trust amount and order SCO to pay it now

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the_borg10001101's picture
Created by the_borg10001101 15 years 46 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

The Bilski Decision Is In: Buh-Bye Business Methods Patents


Pop some champagne! The Appeals Court decision [PDF] is in on Bilski: I'm still reading it, but on first quick reading, one thing is clear: it's a win! Eligible patent matter just got smaller.

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industrialmachine's picture
Created by industrialmachine 15 years 46 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Tennessee's Withdrawal of Claims


There are more bankruptcy filings in the SCO bankruptcy, including two that sent me on a deep search for what they mean. Tennessee's Department of Revenue has filed two Withdrawals of Claims, for claims 110 and 111.

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lando's picture
Created by lando 15 years 46 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Novell Responds to SCO's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal/Final Judgment Language


Novell has filed its Response to SCO's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal. It's ascerbic and funny as can be. It shows the court each and every tricky bit it thinks SCO might just be angling for.

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caffienejunki's picture
Created by caffienejunki 15 years 46 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Experts Indicate That re Bilski Does Impact Software Patents


Summary/roundup of posts about Bilski, in relation to software patents in particular

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 46 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Lawrence Tribe Recalls Obama At HLS


here are those in whom challenge stirs greatness, those who rise to challenge rather than letting it break their stride or spin their compass,” said Tribe about Obama, the Democratic presidential candidate, whom he called “the most impressive and talented of the thousands of students I have been privileged to teach in nearly 40 years on the Harvard faculty.”

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tony's picture
Created by tony 15 years 45 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

SCO Bankruptcy Filings -- Is SCO Resurrecting the Name Caldera?


We need to take a quick break from the Bilski series because there are a number of filings in the SCO bankruptcy, including a notation in one filing that seems to indicate that SCO is considering resurrecting the name Caldera International.

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balugani's picture
Created by balugani 15 years 45 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

SCO's Statement on Final Judgment and the Melaugh-Gonzalez Emails


SCO has filed a Statement Regarding Entry of Final Judgment [PDF], responding to Novell's Response to SCO's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal , which asked the court to confirm the amount of the constructive trust the parties have agreed to and to make SCO pay it now, which in turn followed SCO's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal.

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TMNGoat's picture
Created by TMNGoat 15 years 45 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

European Patent Office: From Riot to Order?


The recent move from EPO (referral to Enlarged Board of Appeal) is likely to have positive impact on UK-IPO

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 45 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Hidden cost of proprietary standards may lead to illegal tenders


The hidden exit costs imposed by a previous software acquisition are a major reason for public administrations to tender software by naming brand names or specific products, which may be illegal, says a draft report by the European Commission's Open Source Observatory and Repository project (OSOR).

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peacemaker's picture
Created by peacemaker 15 years 45 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Portrait: FOSS legal leader Andrew Updegrove


Attorney Andrew Updegrove specializes in technology, intellectual property, and standards. While other lawyers can make the same claim, few have his credentials -- maintainer of an online repository about standards consortia, former board member of the Linux Foundation, and progenitor of a major open source license.

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linuxlooooser's picture
Created by linuxlooooser 15 years 44 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Cory Doctorow: Why I Copyfight


Why does all this copyright reform stuff matter, anyway? What's at stake? Everything.

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peacemaker's picture
Created by peacemaker 15 years 44 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Alison Brimelow (EPO) Criticised for Referral to Enlarged Board of Appeal


Dissatisfaction with the EPO's take on software patents; Microsoft's patenting habits mocked

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komrad's picture
Created by komrad 15 years 44 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Bills in the SCO Bankruptcy Show Activity in the Swiss Arbitration


More bills are in for SCO to pay in the bankruptcy. Tanner, Berger Singerman, and Pachulski Stang all have filed for more money. From the bills, we can discern through a glass darkly what's been going on.

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natural83's picture
Created by natural83 15 years 44 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

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