Let’s be clear: The Apache Software Foundation does NOT support OOXML.


OK, I’ll admit that nobody has claimed otherwise. Yet. But in these days and age you are never too prudent. It wouldn’t surprise me to see this or other similar fancy claim being published eventually.

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serdar's picture
Created by serdar 16 years 26 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

No consensus over OOXML in Poland, yet


Last Thursday PKN (Polish Normalization Committee) had a meeting on which it was supposed to come up with the decision concerning Polish recommendation for ISO/IEC DIS 29500 (OOXML) proposed standard. The common stance has not been acheived.

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michuk's picture
Created by michuk 16 years 26 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

[ubuntu-in] Is Shipping Ubuntu To INDIA Illegal????


OK, this is really weird. If you want to import something to India, it seems it must have a price, otherwise...

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cpoliticas's picture
Created by cpoliticas 16 years 26 weeks ago
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ISO approval: A good process gone bad


You may have read our background article about ODF and OOXML and why Red Hat believes OOXML should not be approved as an ISO standard. This time, we focus on how the standardization process has been compromised at ISO.

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peacemaker's picture
Created by peacemaker 16 years 26 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Is the AGPL half-empty, or half-full?


The GNU Affero GPL, released in November 2007 and approved by the OSI this month, is being viewed as both closure of a GPL loophole and as a tool to truly transfer the collaborative and community benefits of GPL to the software-as-a-service model. AGPLv3 closes a loophole that many would have preferred to see addressed by the GPLv3.

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peacemaker's picture
Created by peacemaker 16 years 26 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Fear! That should work!


After I gave my presentation on the BRM, and after Ditesh gave his technical evaluation of the resolutions, the TC4 Chair opened the meeting to the floor. Mr Cheong Yuk Wai, from IASA Malaysia, volunteered. We expected him to delve into the technical matters which Microsoft should have braindumped him.

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peacemaker's picture
Created by peacemaker 16 years 25 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Standards expert defends OOXML fast-track bid


A European standards expert has defended the move to fast-track the International Organization for Standardization approval process for Microsoft's Office Open XML document standard, dismissing criticisms that the decision to do so is flawed and unfair.

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peacemaker's picture
Created by peacemaker 16 years 25 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

A hard problem: expanding open source to include patents


Simon Phipps proposes a hard problem: expanding the definition of "open source" to include patents.

The easy part is dealing with any patents that are actually licensable by the person or company who is licensing the code. To get to a new "definition" you could say that copyright licenses that don't also grant a patent license must be accompanied by a patent license grant.

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greengrass's picture
Created by greengrass 16 years 25 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Include ODF support in the Linux Standard Base?


The whole world, me included, seems to have become obsessed by Microsoft and its only partially-open, only partially-XML, document format.

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peacemaker's picture
Created by peacemaker 16 years 25 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Squaring the Net, op-ed by Christophe Espern


"The French parliament will soon debate a draft law "about the High Authority for the dissemination of works and protection of the rights on the internet". The project incorporates the recommendations made by the then CEO of FNAC (biggest CD and DVD retail stores in France), Denis Olivennes. One of the key measures is to sanction a violation of copyright by cutting access to the Internet.

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can.axis's picture
Created by can.axis 16 years 25 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

FOSSFA urges African nations to abstain in OOXML ballot


The Free Software and Open Source Foundation for Africa (FOSSFA) has called on African governments and standards bodies to abstain in the balloting, due to close Saturday, on whether a file format based on Microsoft's Office Open XML (OOXML) should be an international standard.

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bridget's picture
Created by bridget 16 years 25 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

In Close Vote, Germany Stays in the OOXML "Yes" Column as More Reports Dribble in


OpenDocument and OOXMLWith fewer than 48 hours to go throughout most of the world, only a small percentage of the 87 countries that voted last summer on OOXML have announced whether they will stand by, or change, the votes that they cast during the original six month voting period.

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bridget's picture
Created by bridget 16 years 25 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Software patents underlie a novel open source business model (video)


"Software patents are evil." Ask almost any free or open source software advocate, and they'll tell you that software patents kill creativity and keep computer science from advancing as rapidly as it would if everyone shared their basic work with everyone else, unencumbered by patents or other restrictions.

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ODF vs MSXML adoption


On the eve of what may well be an ‘ends justify the means’ victory for MS at the ISO, I did a little experiment to compare the rate of ODF format documents vs MS’ XML document format ala this page.

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bridget's picture
Created by bridget 16 years 25 weeks ago
Category: Legal   Tags:

Patent Office chief aims to be 'technology neutral'


Open-source and free software fans who despise software patents shouldn't look for an ally in the head of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Patent Commissioner Jon Dudas says his office is all about staying "technology neutral," so long as the invention meets certain standards.

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