Dear Joost website, I wanted to let you know that Joost sucks because: We only have Ubuntu, Edubuntu, PCLOS, and Fedora Linux in our home.
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Tech: Vista the best thing to happen to the PC industry.
Let's be absolutely clear about this: it's difficult to recall a Microsoft product that has been so universally disliked - but MS is determined that you - yes, you - will use it whether you like it or not. But - perversely - we opine that Vista is the best thing to happen to the PC industry.
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The Linux Foundation Announces Linux Standard Base 3.2
Latest LSB Updates Include New Modules for Interpreted Languages, Printing and Multimedia.
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Introducing Document Freedom Day - 26 March: A global day for document liberation
"The Document Freedom Day (DFD) is a global day for Document Liberation with grassroots action for promotion of Free Document Formats and Open Standards in general. The DFD was initiated and is supported by a group of organisations and companies, including, but not limited to, the Free Software Foundation Europe, ODF Alliance, OpenForum Europe, IBM, Red Hat and Sun Microsystems, Inc. On 26 March 2008, the Document Freedom Day will provide a global rallying point for Document Liberation..."
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Google intoxicates Linux users with Wine improvements
Google software engineer Dan Kegel posted a message to the Wine mailing list last week describing some of the improvements to Wine that Google has sponsored in the past year. These improvements, says Kegel, have substantially improved the Linux compatibility of several popular commercial software applications, including Adobe Photoshop and Dragon Naturally Speaking.
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Why Gnome Makes Me Sad
When I first entered the Linux world a decade ago, my desktop experience was pretty was pretty abysmal: just xterms started by running the 'startx' command. It wasn't until much later, late 2000, that I started using KDE. I was in love.
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Elonex £100 laptop specs leaked
THERE'S BEEN much beard-scratching going on as to how Elonex can afford to build a laptop to sell for £100.
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Introducing Hypertable - a new open source database project
Yesterday I had a chance to catch up with Doug Judd, principle search architect at local search specialist Zvents, to get some insight into Hypertable, the new open source massively parallel database software project.
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Linux Laptops Reach Critical Mass
A few years from now, open source pundits may consider February 2008 the tipping point for Linux laptops. Why is that? Glad you asked. The open source world is buzzing right now about Everex’s CloudBook, an “ultraportable” Linux laptop available from Wal-Mart and several leading Web sites.
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I Love Linux
As you can see in the photo, we are doing a little Home Improvement - new flooring. My tiny laptop has been a life-saver through the chaos. The big Mac is boxed up to protect it from the dust and debris until this is over so the EEE is both our primary entertainment and news source.
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Linux Mint added to Vietnam BSD/Linux Mirror
Linux Mint has been added to the Vietnam BSD/Linux Mirror.
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Ubuntu chief ushers in the age of Intrepid Ibex
Canonical chief Mark Shuttleworth has revealed the name of the next Ubuntu release - Meeky Meerkat. Er, well, it's really called Intrepid Ibex and will likely arrive in Oct. as Ubuntu 8.10.
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OpenID: The Ultimate Sign On
membering all login IDs and passwords for all the Internet forums and communities that you are part of, is indeed an onerous task and one more registration for a new site seems like one too many. We have all tried to get around these problems by jotting down passwords on pieces of paper or sticking notes to our terminal – all potentially dangerous practices that defeat the very purpose of keeping a digital identity secure.
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Red Hat was right, Novell was wrong
Microsoft's pledge to truly interoperate with the rest of the planet, including open-source developers (both commercial and community), leaves two clear victors in the Linux camp: Red Hat and Ubuntu. While Novell capitulated to Microsoft's early demands for a patent stooge, Red Hat and Ubuntu stood firm.
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Ubuntu five bugs a day
The Ubuntu developers have asked that people help them fix five bugs every day. They are asking for everyone's help whether you are a developer or just a user.
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