Embedded Systems Design's annual survey of developers has turned up some interesting data: the embedded Linux gold rush may finally be over.
Read more »Did I press a few buttons or what!
In a recent post where I ranted on about How Linux is being subverted I seemed to have hit a nerve. Not only did that post alone break my all time hitcount record for a month! It also generated a lot of comments, some good some bad.
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Is Linux for you?
Some time ago, I dumped Windows for Linux. It wasn't an easy task to do so. I not only gave up PC gaming pretty much (more on that), but also had to make my hardware work, and not only set up essentially a fresh computer but do so while figuring out how to do things I'd normally be able to do while sleeping.
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Why open source communities continue to thrive (and what other communities can learn from it)
Even if all open source communities aren't created equal, there are several characteristics that stand out amongst those which flourish. Qualities and tendencies which are often taken as a given within the context of open source but can and do go missing within other types of communities.
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Software Freedom Day Speech 2007: Audio and Transcript
"I celebrated Software Freedom Day this year by giving a speech about the history, features, and costs of software freedom to an audience of about 70 people at the Philadelphia Area Computer Society (PACS). The event was co-sponsored by the New Jersey and Pennsylvania Ubuntu Local Communities.
Read more »Mozilla 24 at ENST, a technical summary
"Participate from ENST, Paris, France in Mozilla 24, a multi-site, multi-continent, high-quality video conference operated from Keio University in Tokyo, Japan. Two simultaneous video streams (one from our conference room to Japan, the other one back) allow interactivity between the speakers in our room and audiences on the other sites..."
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WAKA - A little REST and Relaxation in November?
"Representational State Transfer (REST) is an architectural style that I developed while improving the core Web protocols (URI, HTTP, and HTML) and leading them through the IETF standardization process. I later described REST as the primary example in my dissertation.
Read more »Mozilla Online Presenting at Beijing Software Freedom Day
"On Saturday 09/15/2007, Mozilla Online sponsored and participated in Software Freedom Day in Beijing, which was part of a gloabl event held around the world. The Beijing event was held at the FIT building at Tsinghua University..."
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Inna Kuznetsova, Global Executive for Linux, IBM
The fact that Linux is big business for IBM should come as no surprise to those who follow Big Blue. During the last decade IBM has steadily ramped up its Linux efforts to the point where it has now become a core offering across IBM's server and software product lines.
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Why do we use Linux as Home Users?
When a home user switches over to GNU/Linux, the major idea behind this change is enjoying and supporting Open Source freedom. People want to use Freeware. It's free for everyone and follows the philosophy of the free exchange of ideas between everyone.
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How Linux saved our Chinese bacon
BEING A BIT OF A GEEK can surely bring you a bit of extra notice in some circles. The tee-shirt emblazoned with: "No, I will not fix your computer" is an example of the favour of such notice. Be that as it may, we are sometimes lured into lending a helping hand to our less technically inclined brethren from time to time.
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We don't need a fractured Linux.
There is a big problem in the FOSS world. Especially with Linux. That problem is every group considers themselves to be on their own little island and only wish to concern themselves with their territory.
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Video on the Web
"This is now official: W3C will be looking at the impact and challenges of video on the Web in the upcoming months..." good news for Ogg Theora ;-) http://playogg.org
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Worldwide Mandriva Linux 2008 install fest
"In order to celebrate Mandriva Linux 2008, to bring Linux to new users and present the new features available in the new release, Mandriva would like to coordinate a worldwide Install fest on November 18th, 2007..."
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Parrot 0.4.16 Released
"On behalf of the Parrot team, I'm proud to announce Parrot 0.4.16 "A Farewell to Alex." Parrot is a virtual machine aimed at running all dynamic languages..."
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