ownCloud Version 3 introduces online editing, photo gallery, PDF viewer, application store and improvements to existing functionality. Available for download now, ownCloud Version 3 enables users to share files and folders with others from their privately controlled infrastructure.
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Creating Your Own Distributable Ubuntu DVD (Relinux)
This article is about how to create a DVD image of your machine with the exact same software included on the disk. This can be done using a software called Relinux. Relinux is a fork of the recently discontinued Remastersys.
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WhatElse WordPress Plugin
This is a new Wordpress widget that lets you add related content capsule to any post or page
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Dualbooting Windows 7 And Linux Mint 12
Dualbooting means having installed two operating systems on one hard disk and being able to boot from any of them. This tutorial will explain how to install Linux Mint 12 alongside Windows 7 - the procedure however should be the same for all Ubuntu based distributions and only slightly different for every other.
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Post- SOPA and PIPA, What’s Next? No Legislation, More Innovation.
We’ve seen time and again that consumers are willing to pay at a price point that makes sense for them – this is Economics 101. When new business models emerge, artists and fans win. It’s only the traditional distributers and gatekeepers (we’re looking at you, MPAA and RIAA) who lose.....
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Interview with Ivan Idris author of NumPy 1.5 Beginner’s Guide
Today’s interview is with Ivan Idris, author of NumPy 1.5 Beginner’s Guide a book for developers or scientists with a little Python experience and wanting to test NumPy’s capabilities. We talk about the book, how it came to be and the experience writing it. Enjoy!
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Airtime 2.0 adds easy Icecast and SHOUTcast stream configuration
The latest version of Sourcefabric’s open source radio automation software now adds the ability to configure Icecast and SHOUTcast streams in the browser, a button to listen to the station’s output and multiple improvements to the playlist and calendar views.
Read more »KDE releases version 4.8 of Plasma Workspaces, Applications and Platform
KDE have released version 4.8 of their free and open source software bundle. It provides many new features, improved stability and increased performance. Highlights for Plasma Workspaces include window manager optimizations, and the redesign of power management.
Read more »OpenGL ES 2.0 using Android NDK
I started writing a minimal GLUT-compatible wrapper to run the OpenGL wikibook C++ samples using the Android NDK, and I'm making progress :) The Android NDK is getting nicer with Android 2.3, though it still feels less supported than Java apps (e.g. the resize events seem buggy and the keycodes header is incomplete...). Nonetheless, it's nice to be able to write C++ portable apps.
Read more »The Perfect Server - CentOS 6.2 x86_64 With nginx [ISPConfig 3]
This tutorial shows how to prepare a CentOS 6.2 x86_64 server for the installation of ISPConfig 3, and how to install ISPConfig 3. ISPConfig 3 is a webhosting control panel that allows you to configure the following services through a web browser: nginx web server, Postfix mail server, MySQL, BIND nameserver, PureFTPd, SpamAssassin, ClamAV, Mailman, and many more.
Read more »Crafting Small-Business Open Source Policies
Businesses of all sizes are more interested in open source software than ever, but smaller businesses may not have the legal staff or procurement departments to sort through what's useful and what's not. Happily, crafting a proper policy to acquire and deploy open source software is no great mystery, and something any business can do.
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LibreOffice and XBMC Join SOPA Strike
In the mean time, more Internet companies join the strike, such as The Document Foundation with their LibreOffice website (still allowing access to the rest of the site) and the XMBC project's website, saying "Today we are proud to stand together with organizations around the world to protest SOPA and its Senate counterpart PIPA
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Survey: 80% Linux-using enterprises will increase Linux use
Almost 80% of enterprises that use Linux will be increasing their use of Linux over the next five years, and 84% of them increased their Linux use in the past year, despite the economic climate. More of these companies will be reducing the number of Windows servers they use (25.9%) than increasing them (21.7%) too.
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Anti SOPA/PIPA Protest: How it happened and what you can do
The protest against Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA) has come and gone, but the fight is just getting started. Proponents of SOPA, a legislative proposal thought to be dead by those opposing it, have promised to make another pass at making it the law of the land, and PIPA is due for a test vote on January 24. This thing is just getting started.
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Securing Your ISPConfig 3 Installation With A Free StartSSL Certificate
This tutorial shows how you can use a free Class1 SSL Certificate from StartSSL to secure your ISPConfig 3 installation and get rid of self-signed certificate warnings. The guide covers using the SSL certificate for the ISPConfig web interface (both Apache2 and nginx), Postfix (for TLS connections), Courier and Dovecot (for POP3s and IMAPs), and PureFTPd (for TLS/FTPES connections).
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