I have been writing about free software for 14 years. For most of that time, a recurrent feature of that world has been a battle for its soul, waged by two distinct camps.
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GNU/Linux vs. Linux, when explaining it.
A lot of people say calling Debian, Fedora, or Slackware, GNU/Linux opposed to calling it Linux, makes it harder to explain to people. An example, Bob could tell Sarah “You should use Fedora. It will work with your hardware, it’s fast, and it’s free” and Sarah might ask “What’s Fedora?” and Bob would tell her “It’s Linux.” and Sarah will understand. Wrong.
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Video: Stallman on DRM, Patents and C #
In another of our videos of the Gran Canaria Desktop Summit, Richard Stallman declares his position on DRM, patents and C #.
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Found On Road Dead
Details of a visit to a Ford dealership to test drive the new Ford Fusion.
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Chrome OS and Autonomy
With every shift from a piece of free software to a web-based network service, we have moved from a situation where a user had control over his or her software to a situation where users have very little control over their software at all.
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There's a meme floating around the GNOME community that says: I am not afraid of people writing code. It is an innocuous sounding statement, and is meant to garner support for C# and it's free software implementation named Mono.
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10 Things for Linux Desktop Evangelists to Ponder
There's always next year, right? If you're eager for the day of the Linux desktop to dawn, and you don't have the patience of a Cubs fan, here are some suggestions for community action that might be worth consideration.
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Celebrating freedom with open source
Happy Independence day to my US readers. This holiday is a celebration of the United States adoption of the Declaration of Independence which declared independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. I thought it would be a good day to remind everyone what open source is all about…
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Linux as Messenger of Freedom
My weekend was a nice balance of relaxation and thinking--provided by a good book (The Unincorporated Man), a trip to the beach, and a very thought-provoking question from a Linux.com reader.
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Are we mis-selling 'open source'?
I am currently re-reading an oldish book on post-Piagetian child brain development. It has proved to be a real thought provoker, ironically for me not so much about young children but about the way adults think when you get the communication wrong. Hence the title of the article.
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What Open Source shares with Science
I had a lengthy discussion with a new acquaintance the other day, and as it so often does in conversations I'm involved in, topics eventually shifted to the philosophy of knowledge and ideas, and their impact on the improvements within human societies over time.
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Blogging Platforms Need Open Standards Too!
For reasons I won’t go into here, I want to move my previous blog off of my domain and import it into either Blogger or Vox — neither of which I’m really using at the moment. But getting my almost 600 posts out of ExpressionEngine is needlessly difficult, and doesn’t seem to work. Even if I could manage to do it the resulting data is still only readable by Movable Type.
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The 'real' freedom of 'free' software
Recently, Gene over at ERACC WEblog Makes an effort to define the 'free' in "Free & Open Source Software". This don't go quite far enough.
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GNU/Linux: What Does “Free” Mean?
I have been pondering the meaning of “free” in association with Free Open Source Software (FOSS) in general and GNU/Linux in particular. If one asks a FOSS advocate what free means in regard to these one might hear the reply, “Free as in beer!” and/or “Free as in freedom!”.
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Supporting Free Software by means of Civil Disobedience?
If software cannot be owned then copyright is invalid as a tool of attaining freedom..
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