Although Microsoft publicly testifies from every available pulpit of their deep longing for multiple document formats, a quick glance at reality shows that this love remains unrequited in their products. For example, what new formats does Office 2007 include out of the box?
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Linux’s Free System Is Now Easier to Use, But Not for Everyone
This column is written for mainstream, nontechie users of digital technology. These folks aren’t necessarily novices, and they aren’t afraid of computers. They also aren’t stupid. They simply want their digital products to operate as promised, with as little maintenance and hassle as possible.
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Linux is not so simple
It seems the average people are constantly being brainwashed by the Linux community about Linux being the perfect replacement to Windows.
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Running the numbers on Vista
Sales of boxed copies of Windows Vista continue to significantly trail those of Windows XP during its early days, according to a soon-to-be-released report.
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RIAA seeks extension in attempt to revive Doe subpoenas in campus P2P case
"As we've pointed out before, the RIAA's attempts to sue college students for file-sharing have not gone as smoothly as it would like. The latest evidence comes from the US District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma, where the record labels are looking for more time to respond to a motion from a group of Oklahoma State University students to quash a subpoena issued to the school..."
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Microsoft Virtualization Server to Support Xen, VMware
Redmond has turned up the heat in the virtualization market with the release of its System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2007. In introducing the product, Microsoft also pledged to throw in support for Xen and VMware -- the later being a primary competitor in this market. SCVMM provides systems administrators with a management view of virtual and physical servers.
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Microsoft bus riders to get wi-fi via Linux routers
Microsoft employees may end up holding their noses a bit while surfing the Web on the company's new bus system. The mobile wireless routers on board the company's "Connector" employee bus system, made by Seattle-based Junxion Inc., use the open-source Linux operating system -- which Microsoft has identified as one of its biggest competitive threats.
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It's Another Vista TCO Study
Microsoft is flaunting a new Windows Vista total cost of ownership study that—no surprise—presents rosy findings.
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Microsoft Watch - Volume Licensing: Simpler Is Better, Right?
Microsoft's licensing plans are a twisted knot of complexity that the company is trying to untangle.
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ActewAGL Farewells False Economy, Waves Goodbye to Linux
This is actually a white paper review by Microsoft about a company that went with Microsoft over Linux. The story has a misleading title - as the move had little to do with economy or Linux, and more to do with a lack of skill or investment in skill to manage a very small Linux environment.
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Microsoft springs 'Flash killer' with Linux flourish
Multimedia browser plug-in Silverlight targets Adobe, aims at bringing animation, video and other rich media to Web-based applications.
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Microsoft denies OOXML has 'proprietary hooks'
As Australia and various other nations prepare to vote on whether Microsoft's Open Office XML becomes an ISO standard, the Redmond giant is attempting to downplay fears that OOXML adopters will be hooked into the company's technology.
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Should Microsoft Really Bundle Open Source Software?
While I think this is a difficult challenge, I don’t think it is an insurmountable challenge. Microsoft can afford an army of lawyers and hopefully some of them are extremely bright and can come up with creative solutions that might allow Microsoft to leverage and even bundle Open Source software in a safe manner.
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How a Microsoft Piracy Threat almost led us to Open Source… Almost!
Are you interested in a 'true'-life story about MS vs OpenSource? Well, here's one story about the real-world implementation and struggles of 'schools' (and students) trying to struggle with choices. Heart breaking stuff, if you're a Linux fan that is.
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"So I have a new word to add to my open-source lexicon: source-open (reference). It's when you start an open-source company and back-pedal on your original license when you reach a certain critical mass..."
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