All modern operating systems are able to run many programs at the same time. For example, a typical Linux server might include a Web server, an email server, and probably a database service. Each of these programs runs as a separate process. What do you do if one of your services stops working? Here are some handy command-line tools for managing processes.
Read more »RPM "relaunched" at
The RPM Package Manager (RPM), fundamental to an array of Linux distributions and the Linux Standard Base specification, has been on uncertain ground as a project in recent years. The versions of the utility shipped by the various RPM-based distros have slowly branched off in different directions, leading in some cases to stagnation.
Read more »Gnash 0.8.0 release made
The third alpha release of Gnash has just been made at version 0.8.0. Gnash is a GPL'd Flash movie player and browser plugin for Firefox, Mozilla, Konqueror, and Opera. Gnash supports many SWF v7 features and ActionScript2 classes. Gnash also runs on many GNU/Linux distributions, embedded GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, non x86 processors, and 64 bit architectures.
Read more »Getting started with GRUB
"When you power on your computer, the first software that runs is a bootloader that invokes the computer's operating system. GRUB, the GRand Unified Bootloader, is an integral part of many Linux systems. It starts the Linux kernel. Here's some background on GRUB, and some tips on installing and configuring the software."
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Vyatta - changing the world of routers, firewalls and VPNs
"Kelly Herrell, CEO of Vyatta, and I were introduced recently. The folks making the introduction said “Kelly is CEO of Vyatta, the open source routing company. They are going to change the networking world.” With that sort of introduction, how could I possibly turn down a chance to learn about Vyatta’s technology and why it was “going to change the networking world.”"
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Dual password encryption with EncFS
This article is a step-by-step guide to using two passwords with EncFS. The primary password is required and may be used to secure all data; the secondary password is optional and may be stored on USB stick or other removable media and used to secure more sensitive data. EncFS can also be combined with block device encryption for maximum security.
Read more »Baylor neuroimaging lab has open source on the brain
The Baylor College Human Neuroimaging Lab (HNL) uses Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to record and research brain activity. The fMRI scans human brains at work, detecting areas of greater blood flow that indicate which part of the brain is active as subjects perform a variety of activities.
Read more »Moonlight Overview: An OSS Alternative to Silverlight
"Not too long ago, I shared my thoughts on Microsoft's introduction of Silverlight, their blatant lack of Linux support and how they were aiming at regaining their browser dominance. Well, it looks like the open source crowd has picked up the pieces again with a solution to conquer what ails the common Linux user. Silverlight, meet Moonlight. "
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Installing And Working With eyeOS Under Debian 4.0
This tutorial shows how you can install the eyeOS on a standard Linux system. When you have finished ths tutorial, you will have a full, working eyeOS on your server. eyeOS is a kind of operating system which works online, i.e. it manages files on the server and enables the user to upload, download and edit files. We use a Debian 4.0 system for this demonstration purpose.
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Seamless JSF, Part 3: Ajax for JSF
JSF's component-based methodology encourages abstraction, but most Ajax implementations interfere with it by exposing the underlying HTTP exchange. In this final article in the Seamless JSF series, Dan Allen shows you how to use the Seam Remoting API and Ajax4jsf components to communicate with managed beans on the server as if they were local to the browser.
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Server Virtualization: Getting Started
When the final boot into the virtualized operating system is finished, your job still isn't over. Keep tabs on the project as you begin moving users and services to the new platform. Establish performance and usage guidelines and thresholds, monitor them, and tie those metrics to future enhancements. Consider tweaking hardware configurations and network setups or increasing bandwidth as needed.
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SUSE-based workgroup suite targets small businesses
Novell today introduced a new suite of workgroup applications for small businesses, based on "proven," open standards-based software. The Novell Open Workgroup Suite Small Business Edition includes Linux server and desktop components, and bundles email, collaboration, and other open-source office products.
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Nixstaller and the inconvenience of do-it-yourself
"Nixstaller 0.2.2 is a command-line tool for creating graphical installers for archived files on Unix-like systems. If that sounds paradoxical, it is.
Read more »Is Zenoss ambition justified?
Whether this release makes the “big four” wake up screaming at night is not the issue. If it keeps lawyers, doctors, and parents from losing hair in their network management duties, that will be more than good enough.
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Doubt no more that mySQL is enterprise class
The open source database based in Finland started from nothing, and the argument against it has always been that it lacks the features and functionality enterprises need, that it’s three, or two, or at least a year behind Oracle in vital respects.
I don’t think you can make that argument any more.
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