"I just watched Mark Shuttleworth’s Keynote on aKademy. The discussion afterwards was mainly dominated by his suggestion to switch KDE’s development cycle to a 6 month release cycle. Here is a closer look at what Mark said - and what KDE did in the past."
Read more »What is a virtual file system?
Most probably you have heard many, many times the three words, virtual file system, but what exactly do they mean? In my recent article What does this /proc directory do?
Read more »KDAB Becomes Patron of KDE
The KDE e.V. and KDAB are happy to announce continued collaboration on the Free Desktop, with KDAB becoming the latest new Patron of KDE. KDAB is known for its high-quality software services.
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GNOME 2.19.4 Released!
GNOME 2.19.4 is being released on Wednesday. This is our fourth development release on our road towards GNOME 2.20.0, which will be released in September 2007.
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Dell cuts price of Ubuntu Linux PCs
Dell has cut $50 off the price of PCs with Ubuntu Linux preinstalled rather than Windows Vista.
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Encrypted Storage with LUKS, RAID and LVM2
Some people have a need for storing data securely. Sometimes this means not only redundant disks (and a good backup strategy) but also encryption. Fortunately, the Linux kernel has all the features to use multiple RAID devices, pool them to a Logical Volume, and encrypt every block of the filesystem. Just don't forget your passphrase!
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A sysadmin toolbox for Web site maintenance
I run a small but fairly active Web site from a home server, as was commonly done back in the early days of the World Wide Web. What started as a learning project soon grew to be my primary hobby. It takes a bit of knowledge of Linux systems, various open sourced applications, and how the Internet works to start a Web site from scratch.
Read more »The State of ATI Linux 2007
Contrary to the belief of some, ATI's developers are motivated and do more than sending out a renumbered driver every month.
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DIY: Build Linux From Scratch
Noobs getting their first taste of the Linux OS tend to feel a little lost. Even though the Gnome and KDE GUIs are simple and easy to navigate, it's hard to ignore the realization that you don't really know what lurks beneath the surface of this powerful operating system.
Read more »Automatically update your Ubuntu system with cron-apt
Updating all the software on your system can be a pain, but with Linux it doesn't have to be that way. We'll show you how to combine the apt package management system with a task scheduler to automatically update your system.
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gnu units: units converts quantities between different scales
units is a command-line tool which performs units conversion between various scales. units is the perfect tool for engineer or scientific workstation, you can call it either interactively from the prompt or within command line. It already handles more than two thousand units and this can be enhanced with your own units in a separate data file.
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Mandriva adds a semantic layer to the KDE 4 desktop
NEPOMUK-KDE introduces semantic capabilities to the upcoming release of the K Desktop Environment (KDE 4), providing an interoperable framework that can be harnessed by all KDE applications to allow annotating and interlinking any and all desktop objects.
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gedit call to arms
Some days ago lucasr sent an interesting mail to desktop-devel-list pointing out that some modules did not yet release a test version for the next GNOME and suggesting that if the reason was lack of manpower the current developers of the module should post a list of potential tasks in order to attrack new developers.
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Novell's comparison of AppArmor and SELinux
After my previous two posts about SELinux and AppArmor, "Stupid advice and some of my own ideas" and Rusty AppArmor?, another post of the same topic. I had another look around for information on AppArmor and of course also followed a link leading directly to Novell where I found a Novell's AppArmor and SELinux comparison.
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SLED 10 SP1: a great Linux desktop gets better
Sometimes, a service pack comes along that really makes a big difference. Take NT. Before SP3, it was garbage; afterwards Microsoft had its first server operating system that was worth anything. XP before SP2 was so-so, but after SP2, it became Microsoft's best desktop operating system ever (sorry, Vista).
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