"...Among the systems I did look into, there are really just two contenders: git and Mercurial. All the other systems track metadata; git and hg just track content and infer the metadata. By tracking metadata I mean that these systems keep a record of what steps were taken..."
Read more »FUD and TurboGears
"...I’ve recently heard 'the author of the TurboGears book is using Django now' as part of a Django enthusiast’s argument that TurboGears is dead. This cracks me up, because I’m the author in question, and I see the exact oposite. I’m learning Django to make TurboGears better, not because it’s dying..."
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XULEdit 0.4
XULEdit is the extension that provides live XUL editor for ActiveState's Komodo Edit (Open Komodo Project)
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Mastering regular expressions in PHP, Part 1: Perl may be regex king, but PHP can slice and dice input quickly, too
Here's a brief example of applying a regex, drawn from the UNIX command-line utility grep, which searches for a specified pattern among the content of one or more UNIX text files. The command grep -i -E '^Bat' searches for the sequence beginning-of-line (indicated with the caret, [^]), followed immediately by upper- or lowercase letters b, a, and t (the -i option ignores case in pattern matches, so B and b are equivalent, for instance). Hence, given the file heroes.txt:
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Implementation of a blog in Common Lisp: Part 2
"Part 2 of the blog/webapp tutorial is up. I’d like to point out that I’m learning most of how to do this as I go along, perhaps not the best way to write a tutorial, but I’m having fun, and perhaps someone can make use of it. In other words; feel free to suggest improvements..."
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What the Perl 6 and Parrot hackers did on their Christmas vacation
"A running joke in the Perl 6 world is that we'll release a stable Perl 6.0.0 by Christmas. We just won't tell you which Christmas..."
Original post: http://www.oreillynet.com/onlamp/blog/2008/01/what_the_perl_6_and_parrot...
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How to build a web site using Joomla!
Joomla! is one of the most powerful CMS (Content Management Systems) that has been released the latest years. Using a CMS, you can easily create a professional looking web site in no time.
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Getting latest Emacs 23, SBCL 1.0.13 and Slime on a fresh Ubuntu 7.10 box
"As documented previously I’m moving to a new VPS at Slicehost. I decided to be more adventurous this time and run the latest development version of Emacs (version 23). I’m currently attempting to get this installed together with the latest CVS version of Slime and the latest Git version of SBCL (there is a GIT repository that mirrors the main CVS one).This is a lot of bleeding edge software and I’m hoping I can get all of it to interoperate. I’ll attempt to document it here..."
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Sorting Photos
We all know the right way to sort photos is to do them right after you take them. We also know that doing a disk backup before your drive fails is the right way to do backups. But, we don't always do things the right way.
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bzr-feed HOWTO
"bzr-feed is a Python script written by Morten Frederiksen which generates Atom feeds from Bazaar repositories. Users and other developers can subscribe to the feed and receive notifications of new revisions automatically..."
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Simple composition of HTML emails in Emacs using Markdown
"...The overriding design goal for Markdown’s formatting syntax is to make it as readable as possible. The idea is that a Markdown-formatted document should be publishable as-is, as plain text, without looking like it’s been marked up with tags or formatting instructions. While Markdown’s syntax has been influenced by several existing text-to-HTML filters, the single biggest source of inspiration for Markdown’s syntax is the format of plain text email..."
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Reset the root password on MySQL
MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS) based on SQL (Structured Query Language). First released in January, 1998, MySQL is now one component of parent company MySQL AB’s product line of database servers and development tools.
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Implementation of a blog in Common Lisp: Part 1
"...For this project I’ve been looking into various frameworks for web application development, and I’ve come up with a combination I think works ok. To help others on their way, I’ve decided to create a small tutorial on how to create a blog with Hunchentoot, html-template and Elephant. This is just to introduce the frameworks and show how easy it can be..."
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IPv6: coming to a root server near you
"Just before year's end, ICANN/IANA sent out a short message saying that 'on 4 February 2008, IANA will add AAAA records for the IPv6 addresses of the four root servers whose operators have requested it.' [...] That means that as of February 4, 2008, it will (theoretically) be possible for two IPv6 hosts to communicate across the IPv6 Internet without having to rely on any IPv4 infrastructure. It's been a long journey to get to this point..."
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Getting Code Ready for Ruby 1.9
"The call came down from on high just before the Ruby 1.9 release: replace the standard csv.rb library with faster_csv.rb. With only hours to make the change it was a little harder than I expected. The FasterCSV code base was pretty vanilla Ruby, but it required more work than I would have guessed to get running on Ruby 1.9. Let me share a few of the tips I learned while doctoring the code in the hope that it will help others get their code ready for Ruby 1.9..."
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