One of our competitors has a review of the Windows 7 beta which claims that desktop Linux is doomed — doomed!
Not exactly. Not even approximately.
Read more »One of our competitors has a review of the Windows 7 beta which claims that desktop Linux is doomed — doomed!
Not exactly. Not even approximately.
Read more »Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue #125 for the week January 11th - January 17th, 2009.
Read more »A Linux-powered robot project has won the first monthly design contest sponsored by "," a group promoting a low-cost, Linux-friendly single board computer (SBC) with an ARM Cortex-A8-based processor. Antti Seppanen's "BeagleBot" is a partially autonomous, WiFi-enabled robot with servos, sensor, and webcam.
Read more »Abbie Schubert paid more than $1,100 for a Dell laptop hoping to enroll in online classes at Madison Area Technical College, or MATC. But something stopped her: she bought an operating system for her computer she never heard of, Ubuntu.
Read more »Australian immigration authorities have denied a business visa to a Sun MySQL developer travelling to Australia to attend in Hobart next week.
Read more »I've been using Linux since 1995, and while that doesn't quite elevate me to grizzled geekbeard status, it's long enough to have observed a whole lot of growth and changes. Most of them are good; but some of them are rather alarming. The changes that bother me the most are the ones that make it harder to understand and control your own system by adding needless complexity and layers of obscurity.
Read more »What would happen if a Linux user switched to Windows. How about if a Windows enthusiast tried Linux? The results were surprising to both, and they illustrate just what needs to happen in order for Linux to finally break into the mainstream PC market.
Read more »“Free software” or “open source”? It's a perennial question that has provoked a thousand flame wars. Normally, the factions supporting each label and its assocated theoretical baggage manage to work alongside each other for the collective good with only a minimal amount of friction. But occasionally, the sparks begin to fly, and tempers rise.
Read more »Linux as an Operating System, not just a specific distribution, but all of them. The collective. has been an institution in and of itself for several years now in the server world. Linux and FOSS server software together has developed a dominating presence in the business/server world.
Read more »Every now and then, some blogger working for a big website will write a story about how company Abc should make radical move Xyz in order to better, eh, well, that's usually left in the dark. These are generally more akin to said bloggers hoping for radical move Xyz rather than there being a well-argumented reasoning.
Read more »Over this summer, at OSCON, LinuxWorld, other events and in briefings and other conversations, I saw and heard a lot about the importance of community managers and in the time leading up to last fall, community manager was a hot enterprise topic and hot enterprise job in open source and in the industry in general.
Read more »For years now, the little blue "E" has been gracing the desktops of Windows users around the world (though many might say it's doing just the opposite!). Internet Explorer, notorious for its many security holes and being slow to patch them, continues to be one of the top choices for web browsing.
Read more »Contributing to Linux and the Open Source movement can come in many guises. Programming, filing bugs, translating, blogging, and of course podcasting! In this day and age, jumping behind a mic and speaking isn’t really hard, whats hard is actually sticking out of the clutter.
Read more »I got a kick out of reading AshPringle's series about his New Year's resolution to switch from Windows and the Mac to Linux for a week.
Read more »An interview with Hackett and Bankwell author Jeremiah T Gray. Hackett and Bankwell is a comic that teachers readers about Linux, opensource and free software.
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