An essay about Free Software and how to make money with it
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Ubuntu for My Boss
For as long as I can remember, Linux was “marketed” and pushed towards the younger crowd—the computer-savvy, self-described “geeky” community that had no problem getting Linux to work on their system. But now, even my boss is running Ubuntu. Here’s our story.
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Microsoft Won't Buy Yahoo: Good for Open Source?
After several months of discussion and speculation, the Microsoft-Yahoo buyout deal is apparently off. At least, that's what both Microsoft and Yahoo announced over the weekend. There is some speculation that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer made his announcement in order to topple Yahoo's share price, in order to make another offer at a lower price.
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Google takes down open-source project after DMCA complaint
Google Inc. has removed an open-source project that enables the proprietary CoreAVC high-definition video decoder to run in Linux following a complaint from the codec's developer -- but the project could soon return.
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OpenSolaris ready for prime time
Sun Microsystems on Monday will launch a supported version of OpenSolaris at the CommunityOne conference in San Francisco. After working on OpenSolaris for three years, Sun now has a supported distribution, called 2008.5, available.
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Time to choose, Ubuntu fans: rage or reason?
My post last week about Ubuntu's embrace of the profit motive (exemplified in sponsor Canonical's release of a proprietary and non-free management tool) triggered a pretty remarkable flood of venom and invective in my direction. Fortunately, the Internet shielded me from the buckets of froth and spittle I would otherwise have collected.
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Do You Need Open-Source Indemnification?
While gathering support contract pricing information for my Ubuntu 8.04 review, I noticed a somewhat surprising item listed among the benefits of paying Canonical for a Linux distribution the company gives away for free: Protect your business against IP infringement claims
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The paradigm of the open organization
Forget now about labels and conventions: there is not such thing as free software, like there is not such thing as free speech. There are free developers and free speakers, and they are the ones setting the limits of freedom of their products and actions. If they are not free, how free can be the result of their actions?
Read more »Why Is Red Hat Red Hot At The Moment?
For those who follow the development of Linux and the companies that have a heavy exposure to the operating code, you will surely have come across Red Hat. This company is one of the largest developers and distributors of Linux based systems and at the forefront of many developments over the years. So how large is Red Hat?
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Open Source Big Dog: Red Hat or Sun?
So my question is simple: Who is the open source big dog? The answer to the question as stated is likely IBM. You're welcome Savio. :-) IBM, of course, benefits nicely from its investments in Apache and Eclipse and has done a lot to make Linux what it is today. But IBM is not betting the farm on open source, so let me tweak my question to be: Who is the open source [as a business] big dog?
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Why Product Management is Open Source’s Fatal Flaw
I propose that Product Management should take a more active role in FOSS, not telling the developers what users need, but teamingwith developers to identify the target audience and prioritize the users needs. If developers can donate their time working on these projects there is no reason Product Managers can’t do the same thing.
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Gratis and Libre GNU/Linux Beats Ballnux, Which is Neither
OpenSUSE makes the ‘base’ of SLED and SLES in the same way that Fedora is partly used to construct Red Hat’s enterprise product line. However, in the former case a lot is lost (and ‘added’) throughout the process, whereas in the latter case there’s adherence to principles.
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Marriages of Inconvenience
The other day we mentioned an eye-opening incident which occurred at Interop. The industry that extracts money from Free software by spreading fear and purporting to resolve real, exaggerated or imaginary issues is a tad controversial, but to be fair, there are two sides in this story.
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Windows Decline - Success for the Linux PC
If you pick apart the recent set of Microsoft results (Q1/08) you discover that sales of Microsoft Windows fell by 24% (from $5.3 billion to $4 billion). When the PC market worldwide is growing at 12%, a collapse of 24% sounds disastrous, but those figures provide a distorted view.
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Sun Pushes Open Source Storage
Sun Microsystems has unveiled a new tool that lets developers build an OpenSolaris storage server in 10 minutes, part of its three-year-old open source storage community effort. The vendor contends that open source technology provides cheaper, more cost-effective storage infrastructures, just as open source efforts in the past led to cheaper server environments.
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