The Tiny Unix And Linux Shell Crash Course For Beginners


Probably not all that much fun for an experienced admin, but a good introduction for the green.

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eggixyz's picture
Created by eggixyz 15 years 21 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

How to choose the best Linux distro for you


With so many distros out there, how do you choose the right one? Ubuntu, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Mint, Mandriva, Puppy, Arch and more are covered in this mega-test of Linux distros that aims to help everyone find the perfect distro for them no matter what kind of user they are. Don't miss it!

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Noog's picture
Created by Noog 15 years 21 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

/dev/null And /dev/zero On Linux And Unix: What's The Difference?


Null. Zero. It's all the same to me. Or is it? I suppose not...

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eggixyz's picture
Created by eggixyz 15 years 21 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

One Of The Many Reasons Inetd Isn't Around Any More On Linux Or Unix


I found this old code while I was going through my war chest. It still works on some older boxes.

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eggixyz's picture
Created by eggixyz 15 years 21 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Using the Shell


The Shell is the Linux equivalent of the CMD screen in Windows. Where it differs is that in Linux it is the heart of the system. It is rare that you use the CMD windows during normal operation in Windows, but once you are up to speed with Linux it will become second nature.

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mogyweb's picture
Created by mogyweb 15 years 21 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Ubuntu 9.04: Making Sense of Resources


So you are enjoying the new Ubuntu 9.04 but maybe you notice some issues. Like at times your desktop seems slow…why? Or maybe your are just curious to know what is happening under the hood. Ubuntu provides an easy to use interface to take a look at resources and what is happening.

Select System/Administration/System Monitoring.

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mogyweb's picture
Created by mogyweb 15 years 21 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Installation/Configuration of Last.fm Scrobbler/Player for linux


Last.fm is a UK-based Internet radio and music community website, founded in 2002. It claims over 30 million active users based in more than 200 countries.

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njauhari's picture
Created by njauhari 15 years 21 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

List of Repositories for Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope


List of Repositories for Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope

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njauhari's picture
Created by njauhari 15 years 21 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Multimedia Support in Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope


Latest free Ubuntu Linux operating system version is officially released today. Ubuntu 9.04 for desktop, server and “netbook remix” is available for immediate download, CD purchase or you can request a free CD.

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njauhari's picture
Created by njauhari 15 years 21 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Jargon Jam - Distro


Essentially this is just an abbreviation of the word “distribution”, which according to dictionary.com means “an act or instance of distributing” and also “the delivery or giving out of an item or items to the intended recipients”.

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balugani's picture
Created by balugani 15 years 21 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

A Nice Collection Of Linux Distribution Logos


Twenty out of a collection of 50 interesting and unusual Linux distribution logos.

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eggixyz's picture
Created by eggixyz 15 years 22 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) Released


Few hours ago latest version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was released. After three days without Internet connection, today evening the damaged optical fiber was patched just in time for the release.

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arky's picture
Created by arky 15 years 22 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

My First Boot of Ubuntu 9.04


I was so excited this morning as I will now have the new version of Ubuntu 9.04 on my system. I had used the beta and rc and was happy with the way it worked. So I was anxious to see what the final version was really like. Now, just a little background, I switched to Debian 5 previously because I was tired of bugs an problems with Ubuntu.

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mogyweb's picture
Created by mogyweb 15 years 22 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Beginning Modifications To Our Internet Mass Downloader For Linux And Unix


Halfway there. And then half of that. Theoretically, only a quarter of the way there, but halfway done ;)

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eggixyz's picture
Created by eggixyz 15 years 22 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

10 reasons you should give Ubuntu a try


Here are some of the glaring reasons that would make you pick up a Ubuntu CD and give it a try while keeping your earlier operating system intact.

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cutcross's picture
Created by cutcross 15 years 22 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

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