How To Install Go-OO 3.2 In Ubuntu Linux


We wrote about installing OpenOffice 3.2 in Ubuntu from it's official website but that's not the same OpenOffice.org as the one in the Ubuntu repositories because Ubuntu uses Go-OO, an optimized version of OpenOffice. Well, here is how to install this optimized version called Go-OO.

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nilarimogard's picture
Created by nilarimogard 14 years 29 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

How to get started with Linux


If you're struggling with free software, or if you know someone who needs help making the switch to Linux, we hope this feature will help.

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laloj's picture
Created by laloj 14 years 29 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Restore the Default Gnome Panels in Ubuntu [Ubuntu Beginners Series]


A non-terminal based fix for a common Ubuntu problem. First screencast in a beginners series on Ubuntu.

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keyboardninja's picture
Created by keyboardninja 14 years 30 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Linux is Not Window


The specific reasons why people try Linux vary wildly, but the overall reason boils down to one thing: They hope Linux will be better than Windows. Common yardsticks for measuring success are cost, choice, performance, and security. There are many others. But every Windows user who tries Linux, does so because they hope it will be better than what they've got. Therein lies the problem.

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Marcin's picture
Created by Marcin 14 years 30 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Which is the Best Linux Distribution for your Desktop?


Linux today comes in several different flavors or distros as they are known in Linux circles.

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kbcornwell's picture
Created by kbcornwell 14 years 30 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Linux Applications: Productivity


As I mentioned in a recent post, I have recently switched to a Linux distribution as my operating system of choice. Many other users may be put off from making a similar switch because they are concerned that they may not be able to use the applications that they know from the Windows environment.

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linuxlooooser's picture
Created by linuxlooooser 14 years 30 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

View All Filetype like 3gp / Avi / Jpeg / pdf / ttf in Ubuntu Linux with Gloobus


By using a Nice utility Gloobus you can view almost all file type. Gloobus is a free application for GNU / Linux . Gloobus-Preview is an extension for the Gnome Desktop

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panayara's picture
Created by panayara 14 years 30 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

How to instal twitter Client Pino in ubuntu


Pino is a Client for Twitter in GNU/Linux. It is a Gnome application
How To install Pino in Ubuntu
First You have to add PPA for Pino

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panayara's picture
Created by panayara 14 years 30 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Easy Way to Add PPA Repositories in Ubuntu Linux : apt-add-repository


If you want add a ppa repository , you need to add some lines in /etc/apt/sources.list and also need to add the GPG key. I think it not easy for beginners. Now See a simple technique to add ppa with

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panayara's picture
Created by panayara 14 years 30 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Open Source — May the source be with You


The promise of open source is simply better quality, higher reliability, more flexibility, lower cost, and an end to predatory vendor lock-in.

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mountaintroll's picture
Created by mountaintroll 14 years 30 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

ubuntu-server: installing different GUIs


By default ubuntu-server does not come with any graphic desktop environment or GUI. Which is good, because it is server. However, sometimes it would be useful to have some GUI. It is not a problem to install it. Admins have quite a few options for GUIs. Here I will show only few of them.

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Marcin's picture
Created by Marcin 14 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

How to install Songbird Music Player in Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala


Songbird is a opensource Media Player and a web browser, from the developers of wimamp and Yahoo Music Engine. Songbird is a cross platform utility can be used in Windows, Linux, Solaris and Mac. Like Winamp, it supports extensions and skins feathers. It supports a variety of file formats and is an excellent option for organizing your music files in your system.

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panayara's picture
Created by panayara 14 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

LinuxMint8 Kde step by step installation for Newbies with Screenshots


Last week was announced the release of LinuxMint 8 Helena kde version, the news release comes with many important improvement. Anyone will install LinuxMint8 kde will got imressioned with the beauty of a desktop, it is a combination between the magic of the kde desktop and the beauty and performance of LinuxMint.

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linuxadmiral's picture
Created by linuxadmiral 14 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Answering a Friend About Ubuntu on a Netbook


Thinking of installing Ubuntu on a Netbook we're going to buy as I've heard it's pretty lightweight in comparison to Windows 7. What are your thoughts on this in general? Also, it is free right?

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ploppsicle's picture
Created by ploppsicle 14 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Linux Newbie : Why grep almost never yields something productive


Every Linux newbie hears about power of grep sooner or later. But no sooner does newbie try to the grep command the experiment ends badly.

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iamspam's picture
Created by iamspam 14 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

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