How to Intall high quality educational software suite For Kids Gcompris in Ubuntu 10.10 Maverik


Gcompris is a large collection of educational games for small children. It is meant to become some sort of unified interface to integrate more educational games. It will help Children from age 2 to 16

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panayara's picture
Created by panayara 13 years 48 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Top 10 Linux Commands you must know


Here's a list of several terminal commands that are perhaps unfamiliar to many new-to-Linux users but could be really handy when used properly.

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gokulvarma's picture
Created by gokulvarma 13 years 48 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

How to install and configure a graphical firewall client in Ubuntu 10.10


Like all Linux distributions, Ubuntu 10.10, aka, Maverick Meerkat, the latest version of the popular Linux distribution, ships with a firewall installed. The firewall is actually embedded in the kernel. In Ubuntu, the firewall’s original command line interface has been replaced by ufw, a more user-friendly command line script.

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finid's picture
Created by finid 13 years 48 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Sidebars in Joomla using "Articles Anywhere"


To make the layout of your Joomla articles more interesting and to be able to explain special terms of interest, one thing you can use is a sidebar. This used to be a bit difficult, but it just got a whole lot easier!

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Oceanwatcher's picture
Created by Oceanwatcher 13 years 48 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Skype for Mobile Phone


Open the skype put your nick, password, give it sign up and go, you're logged into your Skype, you'll see your contacts and all that stuff, if you have balance you can use skype on your phone,

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panayara's picture
Created by panayara 13 years 49 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

How to install latest skype in ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat


Skype is a simple user friendly software available in different platforms like Linux, Windows and MacOS, which enable you to make free calls(Audio,video and conference ) over the Internet by using VoIP protocol.

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panayara's picture
Created by panayara 13 years 49 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

The Perfect Desktop - Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat)


This tutorial shows how you can set up an Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) desktop that is a full-fledged replacement for a Windows desktop, i.e. that has all the software that people need to do the things they do on their Windows desktops.

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falko's picture
Created by falko 13 years 49 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Three Apps That Keep Linux Squeaky Clean


BleachBit, GtkOrphan and Startup Manager can give you more control over how your Linux distro behaves. These Linux apps can help you fix some missteps when an occasional package installation goes astray.

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lozz's picture
Created by lozz 13 years 49 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

How to disable shutdown notification in Ubuntu 10.10 maverick meerkat


There are two ways to do it one by terminal and the other by gconf editor

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gokulvarma's picture
Created by gokulvarma 13 years 49 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Ubuntu 10.10 review


Ubuntu 10.10, aka Maverick Meerkat, is the latest stable release of the Debian-based Linux distribution. This is the second and the last release for the year. As is customary for Ubuntu, three editions were released: The Desktop, Netbook, and Server editions. This article offers a detailed review of the desktop edition.

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finid's picture
Created by finid 13 years 49 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

How To Upgrade Ubuntu 10.04 To 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) (Desktop & Server)


The new Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) has just been released. This guide shows how you can upgrade your Ubuntu 10.04 desktop and server installations to Ubuntu 10.10.

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falko's picture
Created by falko 13 years 49 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Ubuntu 10.10 Benchmarks


However, for those that are concerned about the performance of this latest release that is codenamed the Maverick Meerkat, here are some benchmarks comparing its performance to Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS as well as last October's Ubuntu 9.10 release.

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lozz's picture
Created by lozz 13 years 49 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

How to connect Ubuntu linux to Windows over LAN cable


This post is all about connecting Ubuntu and Windows system using a LAN cable for sharing data between them . . . A LAN cable is a preferable mechanism for sharing files in a good speed in the range of Mbps.

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jintujacob's picture
Created by jintujacob 13 years 49 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Google Custom Search How to fix the blank screen on clutterview on ubuntu 10.10 maverick meerkat


Couple of days ago I installed "Nautilus Elementary" on my Ubuntu maverick meerkat. Strangely I was not able to enable clutterview. When I pressed F4 it just showed a black blank screen and that was real annoying.

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gokulvarma's picture
Created by gokulvarma 13 years 49 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

MAC Address on Linux


There are many reasons one person would want to change their MAC address and it could be for good reasons or for bad reasons. A good reason someone might change their MAC address would be for security reasons.

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lozz's picture
Created by lozz 13 years 49 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

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