Sabayon 7 KDE review


Sabayon is a Linux distribution described by its developers as “… a bleeding edge operating system that is both stable and reliable.” It is based on Gentoo, a source-based (Linux) distribution. The latest edition, Sabayon 7 (GNOME 3, KDE and Xfce desktop editions), was released October 10 2011. Sabayon Core was released nine days after that (October 19 2011).

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finid's picture
Created by finid 12 years 42 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

The Perfect Desktop - Linux Mint 12 (Lisa)


This tutorial shows how you can set up a Linux Mint 12 (Lisa) desktop that is a full-fledged replacement for a Windows desktop, i.e. that has all the software that people need to do the things they do on their Windows desktops. The advantages are clear: you get a secure system without DRM restrictions that works even on old hardware, and the best thing is: all software comes free of charge.

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falko's picture
Created by falko 12 years 42 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Disable guest session and create user accounts in Linux Mint 12


By default, Linux Mint 12 ships with a guest session enabled, so a password-less access to the system is possible from the login screen to anybody with physical access to a Linux Mint 12-powered computer. If you do not want that level of openness on your computer, this tutorial will show you how to disable that guest session, and also how to create additional user accounts on the system.

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finid's picture
Created by finid 12 years 42 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

TLWIR 26: DiBona, LibreOffice Templates, iPad 2 and Linux Mint


Chris DiBona recently showed the antivirus software industry who’s boss. He slapped them around like the proverbial red-headed step-child. Kudos to Mr. DiBona for being one of the few industry giants with the chutzpah to speak the truth; a truth thought by many, but one that most would NEVER publicly voice.

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aweber's picture
Created by aweber 12 years 42 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Linux Mint 12 screenshot preview


Linux Mint 12, code-named Lisa, is the latest release of the popular desktop Linux distribution. This is the version of Linux Mint based on Ubuntu Desktop, not the one based on Debian. That one is called Linux Mint Debian Edition, or LMDE.

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finid's picture
Created by finid 12 years 42 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Mageia 2 alpha 1 KDE and GNOME 3 screenshots preview


The first alpha release of Mageia 2 has been made available for download and testing. As you might expect, this is not a review-quality release, so if you have the time and resources, time to start hunting for bugs – and reporting them, if any, to Mageia Bugzilla. Installation and Live CD and DVD ISO images for 32- and 64-bit platforms are available for download here.

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finid's picture
Created by finid 12 years 43 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Using the Builtin Test Command to Test for Multiple Aspects


The Bash shell has a builtin test command that can be used to check for multiple aspects in a script. This exercise helps you build a script that checks to see if a file exists and if it does, checks to see if it is writable.

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aweber's picture
Created by aweber 12 years 43 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

The Perfect Desktop - OpenSUSE 12.1 (GNOME)


This tutorial shows how you can set up an OpenSUSE 12.1 desktop that is a full-fledged replacement for a Windows desktop, i.e. that has all the software that people need to do the things they do on their Windows desktops. The advantages are clear: you get a secure system without DRM restrictions that works even on old hardware, and the best thing is: all software comes free of charge.

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falko's picture
Created by falko 12 years 43 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Using OwnCloud and PageKite could get you in trouble with Verizon


These days, everybody is talking about cloud computing, and many people use it in one form or the other. But popular cloud computing services are provided by a third party, which means that you store you data on a server somewhere, so that you can access it any time, from anywhere. But there are cloud applications that any person can use to host their own private cloud, from their home.

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finid's picture
Created by finid 12 years 43 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Haraka Mail Server: Spamassassin Plugin


The Haraka mail server is able to use common plugins like Spamassassin to enhance the features that it provides. Using Spamassassin with Haraka is easy to do and reduces the normal resources used by a mail server.

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aweber's picture
Created by aweber 12 years 43 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Testing Integers


The builtin command test can be used to evaluate integers using relational operators.

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aweber's picture
Created by aweber 12 years 43 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

How to : Reduce package size in Ubuntu by installing only required components


Generally whenever you install any package in Ubuntu , by default it installs all the components . This post is about reducing the no of components , in other words you can say unnecessary components which in turn increases the size of the package . To illustrate , lets take of example of XBMC media player installation.

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gauthamnagpur18's picture
Created by gauthamnagpur18 12 years 43 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Top 6 Linux and BSD graphical installation programs


New users tend to flock to distributions with easy to use installation programs, that is, to distributions with graphical installers. Some people will probably disagree with that statement, but most users feel more at home with a point-and-click interface, than with a terminal (console) program.

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finid's picture
Created by finid 12 years 44 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

The Linux Week In Review 25


In The Linux Week in Review 25, I will reveal my thoughts, both good and bad, about Apple’s extremely popular tablet. I will also reveal how the GNU/Linux community could create a hardware/software ecosystem that could dethrone the Ipad.

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aweber's picture
Created by aweber 12 years 44 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Kubuntu 11.10 review


Kubuntu 11.10 is the latest stable release of the desktop Linux distribution sponsored by Canonical Ltd., a Linux software provider based in London, UK. It is based on Ubuntu, but uses KDE, the K Desktop Environment.

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finid's picture
Created by finid 12 years 44 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Best karma users