Installing NRPE on FreeBSD 9.0


The NRPE daemon provides a way for Nagios to monitor the internal aspects of a FreeBSD box. This article will take you through the steps for installing NRPE on FreeBSD.

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aweber's picture
Created by aweber 12 years 27 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Linux Mint 12 LXDE review


If you currently use another edition of Linux Mint 12, like Linux Mint 12 KDE or Linux Mint 12 GNOME, you will find that there is very little difference, if any, in functionality between this LXDE edition and those other more popular editions, other than for some LXDE-specific applications.

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finid's picture
Created by finid 12 years 27 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Update on Apache OpenOffice


Oracle’s history of not caring too much about Free Software led several contributors to fork OpenOffice.org. And that is a very brief account of how LibreOffice came to be.

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finid's picture
Created by finid 12 years 27 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Saving System Resources with No atime


Administrators can save a lot of needless writes to the disk by mounting partitions with noatime. Even if a file is read a write will occur to disk when you are using atime.

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aweber's picture
Created by aweber 12 years 27 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Matrius 1.2 Krypton screen shots


Matrius is a Linux distribution designed for penetration testers, hackers, security professionals or those who would like to play with tools and applications used by those groups.

This article brings to your viewing pleasure screen shots that show the type of applications available on Matrius 1.2 Krypton, the latest edition.

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finid's picture
Created by finid 12 years 27 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Install BackTrack 5 Revolution 2 on external hard drive


If you are looking for the best information gathering, vulnerability assessment, exploitation, privilege escalation, reverse engineering, RFID, stress testing, forensic and anti-forensic applications, you will find it on BackTrack.

This tutorial shows how to install it on an external hard drive.

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finid's picture
Created by finid 12 years 27 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Restore the Windows bootloader to MBR after dual-booting with Linux


If you installed the Linux boot loader to the MBR and want to restore the Windows boot loader, this short tutorial shows you how to do it. It is an easy, point-and-click process. And the application that makes it that easy is called EasyBCD, a free-for-personal-use application from Neosmart Technologies.

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finid's picture
Created by finid 12 years 28 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

How to dual-boot Windows 7 and Chakra Linux Archimedes, with shared NTFS partition at the end


The broad objective, if it is not already evident from the title of this article, is to: Dual-boot Windows 7 and Chakra Archimedes on a computer with one hard drive; then, create an NTFS partition at the end of the drive that will be shared between both operating systems. When completed, you should see this screen when you reboot or restart the computer.

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finid's picture
Created by finid 12 years 28 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

BackTrack 5 Revolution 2 screen shots


One of those, is BackTrack, a hackers delight, one that is loaded with all the best Free Software and Open Source penetration testing applications available. The latest edition is BackTrack 5, code-named Revolution. We are actually at BackTrack 5 R2. Keep in mind that BackTrack is not a distribution for newbies. This is serious stuff.

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finid's picture
Created by finid 12 years 28 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Three Reasons the Ubuntu Desktop Lags the iPad


The Ubuntu Desktop, lacking the technology and innovation of the iPad, is loosing ground in the race for a common desktop. This article provides three reasons the iPad is dominating and why Apple is making money while Canonical is struggling.

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aweber's picture
Created by aweber 12 years 28 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

How to install and configure Gufw on Linux Deepin 11.12.1


A new installation of Linux Deepin 11.12.1 does not have any of the network security applications that you find on Ubuntu enabled: A default installation of Linux Deepin 11.12.1, the latest edition, will leave your computer wide open for the bad guys to mess with.

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finid's picture
Created by finid 12 years 28 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Linux Deepin 11.12.1 review


Linux Deepin is a desktop distribution based on Ubuntu Desktop, but using a modifed GNOME 3 shell, not Ubuntu’s Unity desktop. It was founded by Liu Wenhuan, who is also a co-founder of Wuhan Linux User Group (LUG), a LUG in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province, China.

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finid's picture
Created by finid 12 years 28 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

He can steal your smart phone’s and tablet’s encryption keys


If you think that the encryption keys that your smart phone or tablet computer uses to protect data you want to keep others from accessing is secure, well … think again.

Crypto researchers have demonstrated that those encryption keys can be stolen using techniques that are not that difficult to assemble.

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finid's picture
Created by finid 12 years 28 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Hardware Profile: exciTe 10 LE


The tablet is called the exciTe 10 LE, and will be available from March 6, just one day from today. The exciTe 10 LE is one sleek piece and the “LE” probably stands for “Lite Edition” because this tablet is just 0.3″ thin and weighs a paltry 1.2 lbs.

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finid's picture
Created by finid 12 years 28 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Linux Deepin 11.12.1 screen shots


Though I tend to stay away from publicly reviewing distributions that use the default GNOME 3 desktop, I evaluate them privately and if I come across one that has been modified to look like a true desktop operating system, then I will take the time to do what it takes to publish a review on it. Linux Deepin falls into that category. So expect a review of Linux Deepin soon.

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finid's picture
Created by finid 12 years 28 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

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