Get your feet wet before taking the Linux plunge


I recently promised you a strategy for a long-term exploration and transition to Linux and Open Source. This plan is for home use; organizational Linux is another issue. You also can follow this strategy to get some idea of how well a netbook will work before shelling out big bucks.

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switchpin's picture
Created by switchpin 15 years 38 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Transform Ubuntu into a Media Center with XBMC


Linux has come a long way in support for multimedia and graphics. Today we will see how to transform Ubuntu 8.10 into a media center platform. You can achieve this using various software like MythTV and Boxee, but we're going to use XBMC Media Center (formerly XBox Media Center).

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waterbag's picture
Created by waterbag 15 years 38 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Install and Manage the CUPS Server with New Book from Packt


Packt is pleased to announce a new book on the Commmon Unix Printing System (CUPS) that teaches users to monitor and secure its server. Written by Ankur Shah, CUPS Administrative Guide will show users to manage printers through the command line and web interface.

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HarishK's picture
Created by HarishK 15 years 38 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Managing Swatch Output With Yet Another Perl Script


A little help for those of you who may not be allowed to edit the .swatchrc directly

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eggixyz's picture
Created by eggixyz 15 years 38 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Linux Comparison: Introduction and Ubuntu


I have toyed around with Linux on and off for the last few years, mostly with Ubuntu. My first experience of Linux was Ubuntu. At first it was a bit scary, with me wondering if my CPU would implode should I type the wrong command. The more I used Linux though, the more I learnt about my computer. This is why I think anyone who finds computers and technology interesting, should give it a go.

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chimera's picture
Created by chimera 15 years 38 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Installing Fluxbox in Debian Etch


Fluxbox is a fast and lightweight window manager for X, fluxbox was derived from blackbox and it is capable of launching applications, configuring keyboard shortcuts and background images, as well as displaying information with the slit. It is often used on older systems where hardware resources are limited or even just as a matter of personal taste.

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chr05210084's picture
Created by chr05210084 15 years 38 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Friday Night At The Movies - Stars Wars On Linux Or Unix Via Telnet


Star Wars as it was meant to be seen; and not heard.

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eggixyz's picture
Created by eggixyz 15 years 38 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Linux And Unix Internet User And Site Security - How Much Is Too Much?


You can protect yourself from everybody some of the time and some people all of the time, but you can't protect yourself from mother ;)

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eggixyz's picture
Created by eggixyz 15 years 39 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Why Use Open-source Software?


Free software is sought by Internet users everywhere because it is accessible right away and doesn't cost a dime. But did you know there's something better? Try open-source software.

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gnerd's picture
Created by gnerd 15 years 39 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Analyzing TCP Disconnects On Linux Or Unix


All good things must come to end. Over and over and over again ;)

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eggixyz's picture
Created by eggixyz 15 years 39 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Just what does it take to switch to desktop Linux (part 1)?


Last week, when I asked “Are you sure you don’t just want to use Ubuntu?” I received a record number of talkbacks, good, bad, and in between. One of the more interesting, though, came from reader ksheppard, who responded with a challenge:

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bollezza's picture
Created by bollezza 15 years 39 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Ubuntu 8.10 Server ... A Good Choice?


The Ubuntu 8.10 server is an especially good choice for services that are based in the Ubuntu repository. Ease of use is one of the main interests in the Ubuntu 8.10 server so administrators tend to look at Ubuntu not only because this is a staple of the Ubuntu Desktop but the server version has been known for...

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aweber's picture
Created by aweber 15 years 39 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

What to Expect From Linux as a New User


Meeting Linux for the first time can be a puzzling experience for new users. Here's a short article about what a Windows user has to expect from the operating system.

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leo's picture
Created by leo 15 years 39 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Bash Script To Find Free Online Fiction and Non-Fiction Books


We spent so much time scripting out TV, it's time to get some online reading in ;)

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eggixyz's picture
Created by eggixyz 15 years 39 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Dealing With "Argument list too long" Errors on Linux and Unix


Just dealing with the OS error message. This post has nothing whatsoever to do with marriage ;)

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eggixyz's picture
Created by eggixyz 15 years 39 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

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