emacs 23


"As per January 2009, the current stable version of GNU/Emacs is 22. However, there is a development version 23 available from CVS. The development version should become the next stable version in the not-too-distant future. I've been using emacs 23 for more than one year now, and have found it very reliable..."

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can.axis's picture
Created by can.axis 15 years 34 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Setting Up Dual-Dual NIC Bonding On Ubuntu In 30 Seconds


Well, maybe not that fast, but pretty quickly, anyway ;)

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eggixyz's picture
Created by eggixyz 15 years 34 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Why everyone should be using an Open Source operating system


I have thought for some time that having games on windows was what kept me from using Linux. I've been a gamer for a good part of my life and it was one of the reasons i didn't know what to do with Linux...

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C733tus's picture
Created by C733tus 15 years 34 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Collection of Tips and Tricks for XChat Part 1


XChat is a GTK client for IRC, available on both Linux and Windows. It is one of the most popular and feature-rich IRC clients on the Linux platform, together with Konversation and KVirc. Of course, there are very good clients like Irssi too, but I'm talking only about graphical clients here.

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Chris7mas's picture
Created by Chris7mas 15 years 34 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Open Source Alternatives to iTunes: Your Favorite?


To be sure, the alternatives don’t have Apple's muscle with the media industry. This translates into a lack of a movie/TV download service to be seriously competitive with the likes of what iTunes can provide. Despite this drawback, there are still some great open source alternatives to iTunes for those who are more interested in software freedom than software convenience.

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switchpin's picture
Created by switchpin 15 years 34 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Extracting Different File Types On Linux And Unix - Guest Post


A nice little function for bash to get the week kicked off right :)

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eggixyz's picture
Created by eggixyz 15 years 34 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Join the Linux revolution


You have undoubtedly heard of Linux, and as a PCW reader it’s very likely you have tried it. Only a few years ago, Linux was something largely best left to the most technically minded, to those who liked to configure and tweak their operating system and liked the idea of free software.

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bluecheese's picture
Created by bluecheese 15 years 35 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Remote access using NX and OpenSuse 11.1


NoMachine NX is a solution for secure remote access, desktop virtualization, and hosted desktop deployment using compression, session resilience and resource management. It integrations a powerful audio, printing and resource sharing capabilities and makes it possible to run any graphical application (e.g KDE, Gnome etc.) across the network connection.

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fn-eagle's picture
Created by fn-eagle 15 years 35 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Spinning Unix and Linux Blog Content


This summary made sense at digit saucer in time - I mean, this summary made sense at some point in time ;)

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eggixyz's picture
Created by eggixyz 15 years 35 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Bash script to find all of your indexed web pages on Google


You've read the book; now see the movie! Oh wait, this is actually a script to find your Google-indexed pages ...forget about that first part ;)

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eggixyz's picture
Created by eggixyz 15 years 35 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Turn Thunderbird into a Full-Blown PIM with Lightning


Continuing the recent trend of posts about email client and personal information manager (PIM) software, this post will look at the Lightning extension for Thunderbird.

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viubuntu's picture
Created by viubuntu 15 years 35 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

How Many Different Ways Can You Stop VCS On Linux Or Unix?


All right, knock it off, VCS. ...wait, not that way!!!

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eggixyz's picture
Created by eggixyz 15 years 35 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

How-To: Compile and Install Code::Blocks from Source in Debian Lenny


Code::Blocks is a complete, cross-platform integrated development environment for C and C++, built using the wxWidgets toolkit. Code::Blocks is available on Linux, Windows and OS X, so you may find it useful on Linux if you switched and are already used to it or an IDE like Dev-C++, for example.

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Chris7mas's picture
Created by Chris7mas 15 years 35 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Download Pidgin 2.5.4 for Ubuntu (deb package) - MSN fix also


Since yesterdey, MSN hasn’t been working on Pidgin anymore because of some changes made by Microsuck. [...]

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nilarimogard's picture
Created by nilarimogard 15 years 35 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Mail Notification - Check Email in the Background


Having a notification when new email arrives can be nice and really useful if you're waiting for an important message. But if you're using a desktop email client or maybe a third party webmail service, you might not want to run a big client application or have to keep checking that tab in Firefox to see if new mail has arrived.

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ItalianPenguin's picture
Created by ItalianPenguin 15 years 35 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

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