Fastest Elegant Theme for Ubuntu Intrepid?


The past couple days I've been interested in the fastest gtk-engine-theme available to load on my Ubuntu box. I just simply didn't want fast but as elegant as I could get. My search did not have to go far after discovering a couple articles and speed tests that still had BlueCurve theme engine as the fastest and by far the most elegant considering the speed increase.

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buntfu's picture
Created by buntfu 15 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Waldo's Been Found In The PI


There is but ONE Waldo in the PI puzzle - Still with no hat ;)

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eggixyz's picture
Created by eggixyz 15 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Tutorial: Using K3b


This simple tutorial goes through all the basics of using K3b on Linux. K3b is one of the best graphical burning programs on Linux, and also one of the best know in the Linux community. However, it's existence is somewhat of a mystery among new users.

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KDEmon's picture
Created by KDEmon 15 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Top 50 Linux Alternatives to Popular Apps


Linux is quickly gaining popularity, but there are still many users afraid to convert as they are not familiar with the applications. Today our Linux guru Blair Mathis is back to introduce fifty of the most popular applications on this OS.

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chimera's picture
Created by chimera 15 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Seven newbie tips for installing Linux apps


After I wrote in my article, Living free with Linux: 2 weeks without Windows, about the trouble I had with installing and updating Linux applications, I received literally hundreds of helpful responses offering me advice on how to handle things better. Here are seven top tips from the responders to help newbies like me.

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chimera's picture
Created by chimera 15 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Using Bash Commands to Simplify Linux Newbie Support


One of the strong points of the Ubuntu community is the forums. To many new users, the ability to get quick answers to their questions for free is an incredible resource. Unfortunately, not every user has a great experience on the forums. WorksWithU recently posted a list of tips for those giving support on the Ubuntu forums.

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kaeser's picture
Created by kaeser 15 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

KDE 4 Tip - Quickly Disable Desktop Effects


So, that proprietary 3D graphics driver you installed is now causing you some problems, so you got rid of it. But there's a problem. Your KDE 4 installation had those fancy desktop effects enabled, which now aren't working. Instead of a KDE desktop, you have a nice white screen.

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smithers's picture
Created by smithers 15 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Linux, Are You Our Hero?


Nickelback lyrics notwithstanding, many see Linux as the hero that can save us — save us from continuous hardware upgrades with each major software revision, confusing licensing programs, hidden costs and fees and vendor lock-in. With that said, is Linux our hero? The obvious answer is yes, but is it a true hero or just the hero of the month?

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switchpin's picture
Created by switchpin 15 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

The Ubuntu Linux, Possibly Humourous, Religous Marathon Continues!


Ubuntu continues to obviate the need to buy tacos in order to see the Virgin Mary ;)

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eggixyz's picture
Created by eggixyz 15 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Living free with Linux: 2 weeks without Windows


Can a dedicated Windows user make it for two weeks using only Linux? Preston Gralla tried it and lived to tell this tale.

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leo's picture
Created by leo 15 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Ubuntu Christian Edition: Truth Remains Stranger Than Fiction


Use this Ubuntu Linux distro at your immortal soul's peril ;)

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eggixyz's picture
Created by eggixyz 15 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

80% of Computer LOHAS: Virus-Free Life on a USB Key


Imagine a different way of computer life. For 80% of your computer-using time, you carry a usb key as your notebook computer You come to a foreign place and are allowed to use an unfamiliar computer. The computer may work perfectly or it may have been rendered non-bootable by a virus. It may be a powerful one or it may be an inexpensive netbook. It may speak Zulu or Tamil.

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anna's picture
Created by anna 15 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

free image hosting 5mb maximum per image.


upimage.us : image hosting5mb maximum image and Fast Image upload.make gallery for your image. unlimit space. Share your albums over the Internet. Create private or public photo albums to store images and share them with family and friends. Unique, easy to use and flexible.

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Installing Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu


"To work with Ruby on Rails you first will need to install it. This guide will cover installing Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu..." -- Do not forget Rinari, a Ruby on Rails Minor Mode for Emacs ;)

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can.axis's picture
Created by can.axis 15 years 31 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Open Source Alternatives


Open source is rarely taken seriously. It has became a buzzword just like going green. What can open source actually do for your organization? What alternatives are available to replace our proprietary systems while simotaneously lowering costs across the board from license fees, administration, and deployment.

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switchpin's picture
Created by switchpin 15 years 32 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Best karma users