Understanding Sticky Windows


A short video tip showing how to make windows stay available even when you switch to a different workspace.

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anna's picture
Created by anna 15 years 19 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

TYPO3 Extension Development Review


I have been using TYPO3 for about one and a half years, at first this was difficult because the documentation is hard to find and when you do find it, it is hard to follow, especially TSREF and the core API.

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Does Open Source Need Individual Donations to Survive?


In a recent survey by Packt Publishing, 70% of software developers said that they have donated time, money, or both to open source projects. However, with large projects like Wikipedia receiving over one million dollars from just three charitable foundations last year, the question remains whether open source really needs individual contributions from developers to survive.

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Anusonia's picture
Created by Anusonia 15 years 19 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

More Funny Computer Animation: Sleep Dep Wednesday


Sometimes I forget I'm not 18 anymore and stay up too many days in a row ;)

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eggixyz's picture
Created by eggixyz 15 years 19 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

The Beginner's Guide to Creating Virtual Machines with VirtualBox


Virtual machines can seem juuuuust a bit too geeky for most otherwise computer-friendly people. That's sad, because it's an easy, free way to try or use a separate OS without messing with your hard drive.

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anna's picture
Created by anna 15 years 19 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Simple Script To List Groups In Passwd File Output On Linux And Unix


Feel like your /etc/passwd file isn't giving 100%? This script may be for you ;)

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eggixyz's picture
Created by eggixyz 15 years 19 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Installing Ubuntu on Windows without partitioning


You can install and run Ubuntu from within Windows without any risk of accidentally deleting your existing programs and files by using Wubi, an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users.

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giantrobot's picture
Created by giantrobot 15 years 19 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

package management with ELPA


"Today, the two major surviving branches on the emacs family tree are GNU Emacs, and XEmacs [...] but the one thing I remember that it still somewhat missing in GNU Emacs, is package management [...] This has changed now with

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can.axis's picture
Created by can.axis 15 years 19 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Dual Booting Debian Lenny


If, like me you were a little dubious about your first forays into Linux, then dual booting is an option I would suggest. I wanted to try Debian, but wasn’t confident enough to leave my precious XP behind completely. I decided to go down the dual booting route, and although it may sound complicated it actually isn’t.

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mogyweb's picture
Created by mogyweb 15 years 19 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Where do I find Linux software?


...what if you are searching for Linux software? Where do you go? Is there a one stop shop for all of your software needs? Yes and no. Even though that answer is not a resounding YES! there is a plus side.

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samharry's picture
Created by samharry 15 years 19 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Create Drupal Multimedia Website using this offer at Bitnami.org


Drupal Multimedia is a complete guide for creating media-rich Drupal sites by learning to embed and manipulate images, video, and audio. With this book, you will learn to integrate multimedia in your Drupal websites. You will also learn how to tackle media problems from all points of views: content editors, administrators, and developers.

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Develop your WordPress Plugins using this excellent book- Rajeev


If you are using WordPress as your blogging platform, most probably you are already familiar with plugins. These excellent add-ons help you extend the features of Wordpress giving you complete control on blog customization and enhancements.

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Anusonia's picture
Created by Anusonia 15 years 19 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Setting local Ruby on Rails development environment with Lighttpd and FastCGI


Lighttpd has become popular within the Ruby on Rails community and this book will help users learn how to set up web applications and frameworks such as WordPress, Ruby on Rails, MediaWiki, trac, AjaxTerm, and more. Through this book, web developers will be able to create a lean deployment platform for their web applications.

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Ubuntu 9.04 File Manager


The File Manager, Nautilus 2.26.1, allows you to view, manage and manipulate files and folders from a window view in Ubuntu 9.04. The File option on the Menu Bar allows you to open a second Tab in the same window or open a separate window for viewing multiple directories at one time. You have the option to create a Folder in the current directory you are viewing and then provide it with a name.

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mogyweb's picture
Created by mogyweb 15 years 19 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

Different partition types in Linux-Know it before partitioning and formatting your disk


Linux is completely a command based Operating system which is based on a Linux Kernel.

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Noog's picture
Created by Noog 15 years 20 weeks ago
Category: Beginner   Tags:

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