"Christian Einfeldt is producing a documentary movie called the Digital Tipping Point about how free software is changing global culture. He is releasing all of his footage under a free license, and is inviting participants to grab the video and use it to tell stories about how free software has changed their lives. He also wants the film to be produced using only free software tools..."
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Quote of the Day: RMS on Peer-to-Peer for Collaborative Applications
RMS: « It is very important to promote peer-to-peer methods of doing various collaborative tasks, because servers cause issues of control vs freedom, and peer-to-peer is the only way to avoid them. »
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The free software movement, and the GNU GPL, in the age of Javascript
"In February 2009, I enjoyed the privilege of attending a lecture series by Dr. Richard Stallman, founder of the free software movement, and main author of the GNU General Public License – a copyleft free software license. With his lectures still fresh in my mind, I would like to wrestle with a lingering question, for which I have not yet found a satisfying answer..."
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Stepping away from evangelism
I rarely evangelize about FOSS when face to face. While I will argue in favor of FOSS in articles, or in speech, I hardly ever do so in casual conversation.
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Zen For Ubuntu Users
I am reading a lot of posts where new users are completely discourages by the seemingly over-complexity of Linux. They have the Windows background and they use Linux like it was Windows. The learning curve in Linux can be steep.
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Organizadores del Flisol: do your homework, please!
El Festival Latinoamericano de Instalación de Software Libre, FLISOL, no puede seguir siendo celebrada por personas que ignoran el significado de Software Libre y que continúan promocionando mero software a lo más Open Source (aunque No-Libre) y convenios con empresas que integran a la comunidad en el desarrollo de sus aplicaciones pero se quedan con el dinero.
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A Cloudy Future
I was in the middle of my talk, "The Elephant in the Room: Microsoft and Free Software" busily pontificating about Microsoft's nefarious plans for dominating the Web and software as a service when I got heckled.
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The Cost Savings of FOSS: Business Success for the Wrong Reason
Obviously, no company is going to refuse the chance to save money. However, the focus on this side-benefit is threatening to overshadow the main advantages of FOSS -- and that's true regardless of whether you take an open source or a free software perspective.
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The War Against USENET Symbolises an Assault on Free Speech
THE CONSTANT WAR on the Internet is a war against disruptive means of business and communication.
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Rule #4: Grow, Don't Build
Since free software and other free culture products are formed by an organic, incrementalist process, they tend to be highly organic in their design as well. Free software is not so much built as it is grown.
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Browser standards in an open source world
Firefox is now ahead of Internet Explorer in Europe.
Matt asks, does that make the Web a duopoly? And is anti-trust enforcement now the only way open source can compete with Microsoft?
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Do Open Source Companies *Really* Support Free Software?
skAsterisk, a PBX, telephony engine, and telephony applications toolkit, is one of open source best-kept secrets. As with many open source projects, there is a company that has been set up to provide support, Digium.
Here's its latest press release:
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ESR: GPL No Longer Needed
Eric S. Raymond is one of the three big figures in open source, together with Linus Torvalds and Richard Stallman. During a talk for the Long Island Linux User Group, he made some interesting statements about the GPL, namely that the GPL is no longer needed due to the way the open source movement works.
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The GPL - Not Fade Away
The beauty of the GPL, as any accomplished software developer will recognize, is that like a piece of elegantly written code, it has a simplicity and transparency all of its own. The license fulfils its demanding objective, of protecting and promoting the principles of free software, without ambiguity or compromise, and as such, is unlikely to fade away.
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Video: The seeds of open source
Sometimes open source ideals make for the strangest–and most wonderful–bedfellows. We met Dr. Vandana Shiva–physicist, scientist, environmentalist, and activist–several years ago. Her work saving seeds and protecting traditional knowledge in the farming industry parallels the openness, transparency, collaboration and freedom of open source ideology.
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