
I’ve taken issue with Stallman numerous times in the past (as an early example, care for a slice of cake). Stallman’s latest musings merely add to the stack of ideological positions with which I differ.

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Created by Jimbob 16 years 51 weeks ago
Category: Philosophy   Tags:
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16 years 51 weeks 3 days 17 hours ago


I posted this so everyone can see

I posted this so everyone can see what an idiot the author of the original post is.

I find it hilarious that author acts as though he is on the same level as Stallman.

On one hand, you have the man who created the free software movement, created the GPL, wrote big chunks of code for GNU and spends all of his time trying to win freedom for people; and on the other hand you have an opinion columnist who works for Microsoft.

As usual there are some priceless comments in response. In fact, these guys who complain about free software are almost worth it for the way they bring out such great responses from the community.

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