"Richard Matthew Stallman (born March 16, 1953), often abbreviated "rms",[1] is an American software freedom activist, hacker,[2] and software developer. In September 1983, he launched the GNU Project[3] to create a free Unix-like operating system, and has been the project's lead architect and organizer. With the launch of the GNU Project he started the free software movement, and in October 1985 set up the Free Software Foundation..."
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16 years 45 weeks 4 days 4 hours ago
It's disappointing to see this
It's disappointing to see this has made it to the frontpage, and makes me want to not come to fsdaily.com. The Wikipedia page for RMS is not a 'discovery', it's rather easy to find.
16 years 45 weeks 4 days 4 hours ago
It makes you not want to come here?!?! I
It makes you not want to come here?!?!
I find that a little weird. You know, I often find Wikipedia articles on things that I know about but have never really read up on quite interesting.
I was glad it was submitted. I learnt a few things that I would not normally have discovered because I would not normally bother searching for RMS on Wikipedia.
Plus this would be good for new users to read who might not even know who he is or how important he is and has been to the Free Software movement.
16 years 45 weeks 4 days 3 hours ago
It's like if I went to a non-free
It's like if I went to a non-free software version of this site, and they posted a link to, "Bill Gates: Microsoft Chairman" as if it was 'news'. Seriously, it's depressing. It should be common knowledge, and it's rather frustrating that there is a lack of such knowledge, considering the fact that "Wikipedia" is based on the Gnu FDL, of which is one of RMS works. You see why it makes me want to leave? Possibly not my crowd of people. It furthermore reflects a lack of enthusiasm in this area to have new and fresh content in this category. It's a bit behind!