
« “Internet & Creation : how to recognize non-market exchanges over the internet while funding creation” has been published in French on 28 October 2008 by InLibroVeritas. See the French page for details. An English-speaking version adapted for global readership is in the works. An English summary can be found below... »

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can.axis's picture
Created by can.axis 15 years 37 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 37 weeks ago
Category: Philosophy   Tags:
can.axis's picture


15 years 37 weeks 1 day 1 hour ago


Free Art License for artworks

[theora] online service to host/share theora&vorbis encoded ogg files - Orton Akinci: « ... as a political approach i am not for cc because "share alike" is not compulsory for them, which is the main logic of copyleft. i am more for fsf's approach and free art license for artworks. in fact libre commons is even better because they have nothing to do with laws but moral issues. our copyleft license is just like fsf's and free art license which encourages copying, modification, re-distribution by giving credits to the auhors under the same rules... »

spikeb's picture


15 years 37 weeks 9 hours 46 min ago


re:free art

CC as a whole isn't copyleft (or particularly free), however certain CC licenses are. This is why I am willing to license some of my art under CC-SA for some sites that offer licensing but do not offer the art libre license (which is my preferred license).

As a whole, the idea of free culture fascinates me as much, if not more than, free software.

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