According to an ongoing debate over the GPL version 3, he does. How can this be, since Linus Torvalds, creator and chief architect of the Linux kernel, knows about software freedom and free software?
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14 years 45 weeks 1 day 19 hours ago
Let's not start another round of infighting!
In my view Torvalds is not so concerned about freedom as Stallman is. But that doesn't mean that he is an enemy of freedom. That are other people.
14 years 45 weeks 21 hours 38 min ago
We need both
Yeah, they look at matters with a slightly different perspective, but that's no big deal, they're both on our side.
14 years 44 weeks 5 days 16 hours ago
Torvalds is more of a neutral party
He works on a free kernel, but does so purely because he believes that the free model works best for the Linux project. He will not hesitate to use and support proprietary software if he finds it useful.(although the use of such closed software has come to bite him on the butt a couple of times)
Ne kvidd neemiz
14 years 44 weeks 3 days 11 hours ago
There are those who question
There are those who question whether the Linux kernel maintained by Torvalds and others is (100 %) free software or not.
14 years 44 weeks 2 days 23 hours ago
Viva libre!
Yes, it would certainly be very satisfying to see the last remnants of these proprietary drivers expelled from the kernel for good.
They were probably necessary to get things working in the early days, still it would be nice to see the equipment manufacturers being more cooperative on the software side with those who purchase their products.
M$ did a lot to encourage their recalcitrant attitude.