During the LinuxFestJo event last Saturday, I had a chat with Noha Salem, an Egyptian Googler, about Google's upcoming agenda and future plans for the IT industry. Everything she said was pretty interesting, until she reached the issue of cloud computing.
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Created by Ubuntu87 13 years 51 weeks ago – Made popular 13 years 50 weeks ago
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13 years 51 weeks 48 min 35 sec ago
RIP hard drives
Omar is right! However, hard drives will eventually cease to be available to private individuals.
We will be required to keep all our data in the "cloud" where it will receive neither security, or privacy.
Steps are already being taken in the US, Europe and the British Commonwealth to outlaw truly private data and it is already non-existent in some other parts of the globe.
They fully intend to crush the Free Internet as it exists today.