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As demonstracted by this LinuxToday Blog post and my own experience, if you spend time reading Linux news, you are bound to discover a world of people who will do anything possible to say "Linux sucks."
Wine is a lot like my cell phone. It sucks, but it would be really awesome if it didn't. As much as we'd like to, we can't give up on it entirely. So the only reasonable thing to do is try and make it suck less.
Okay the basic gist of this is "Linux sucks because I am ignorant and have done very little research". Read it, have a laugh, post a comment. The comments to it are the most useful information on the site.
There was a great presentation that made it to the top of digg in the last couple of days on how Linux “sucks” and how we can fix it. It was a very good down-to-earth overview of the problems with Linux, but the solutions that were suggested disturbed me a bit.
I do agree with him that Linux sucks. It just sucks a lot less than the alternatives. His presentation brought me to thinking about writing more about the bad parts of Linux in the future instead of where it's good.
It's my pleasure to bring you the CTO of Devil Mountain Software, Craig Barth, in this exclusive interview, his first, after the much publicized outting of InfoWorld's Randall Kennedy. Barth, perhaps best known for his Windows performance expertise, is also a huge Linux fan. Here now, is my interview with Craig Barth in its entirety. Transcribed from an Audacity recording over Skype.