AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
You may have noticed that I have been quiet for the last couple of days. The reason is I have been working on a windows computer, trying to fix it. Reformatting and reloading was an option but the pain and time taken to reconfigure the thing was prohibitive. Besides I knew what the problem was and I could fix it.
"I spent yesterday at the IETF coding sprint. The idea here was to rewrite a bunch of the IETF software tools in a more modern system (Django), as well as write a bunch of new tools..."
Free multimedia note organizer BasKet takes a page from Microsoft's OneNote, along with a good portion of Getting Things Done-style organization, to offer an all-in-one spot to drop your thoughts and next actions.
Firefox extension Hide Find Bar automatically hides the Find toolbar after it hasn't been used in a while, helpful for those of us that constantly forget to close it.
In our country, we have become so addicted to Microsoft that we cannot seem to do without it. It has become like morphine: we get off it, we feel pain so great, we writhe in sheer agony.
A roundup summarising important developments pertaining to software patents. A LOT has happened since the last post regarding software patents. Here are some reports and developments to be aware of.
If you are mounting shares from disks on your network and you are using wifi, the shares don't unmount when you try to shut down. This is a major pain. (The pain is amplified because folks keep marking the bug "fixed" when it's not.)