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Remember Brett Winterford? The guy whom Microsoft gave a free journey to Redmond (he lives far away in Australia)? The guy who writes for the already-Microsoft-biased ZDNet and soon after his visit to Redmond unleashed some outrageous articles echoing Microsoft’s accusations against IBM and ODF?
We wrote some days ago about Microsoft’s “Slog” against VMware. This campaign continues and reaches new heights under a new domain which Microsoft now operates. It’s www.vmwarecostswaytoomuch.com (VMware Costs Too Much). Is this how a publicly-traded company should behave?
Novell happily considers itself and even describes itself as a Microsoft partner, which possibly makes it part of that self-serving channel or the Microsoft ecosystem. Just watch the recent story from China for enlightening examples
Mr. Maritz and his partners/colleagues from Microsoft (former Microsoft executives who run VMware now) help Ballnux and Vista 7 at the expense of GNU/Linux, so Microsoft gets paid either way (or twice, in the case of virtualisation)
Tom Sanders is reporting that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer gave a talk at a company event in the UK last week saying that Red Hat customers need to pay Microsoft for its beloved IP, whatever it may consist of: