Security expert Bruce Schneier today wrote about the “Storm Worm” again. Go and read it and become very afraid if you are running the Windows operating system. Become even more afraid if you are responsible for a bunch of them, like in a company. And then get a clue and morph them all into something better, like installing any of the Linux/Unix/BSD variants.
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Created by greengrass 17 years 22 weeks ago – Made popular 17 years 22 weeks ago
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17 years 22 weeks 4 days 52 min ago
Has this blogger ever heard about
Has this blogger ever heard about spam filtering and antivirus programs?
If one opens every crap that is .EXE (and is unprotected), he deserves an infection. Period.
17 years 22 weeks 3 days 23 hours ago
Did you only read the blog that
Did you only read the blog that is linked above or did you follow the link in the blog to Bruce Schneier's blog ( )? He appears to be a security expert. He has authored 8 books on security and speaks all over the world on security.
He is saying in _his_ blog that storm is extremely difficult to detect and is laying dormant on an estimated 1 - 50 million computers (obviously it's a large range due to difficulty in detecting it). If this thing brings down millions of machines you may find that you and your family and friends are affected. Maybe your machine will be fine. But the machines of people, websites and businesses you normally interact with may come crashing down.
I think I'll take his word on this over yours... if it's all the same to you.