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Linux distributor Novell has published the financial results of its second fiscal quarter of 2010. Compared to the second quarter of 2009, net revenue fell slightly from $216 million to $204 million
Well, that only took six years and change. As part of its discussion of its financial results for the first quarter of fiscal 2010 ended in January, Dana Russell, chief financial officer at operating system and systems software maker Novell, said that the SUSE Linux business was at break-even, what he called "a significant milestone."
Novell’s latest quarterly financial results, revealed today, were a mixed bag for the SUSE Linux provider. Novell made progress in some areas. But didn’t really thrive in others. Where does the company go from here? The answers will likely surface at the Novell BrainShare. Here are the details.
So far, so good for Novell. For its first-quarter 2008 results, Novell reported growing income and revenues with a strong year-over-year showing from its Linux platform business. With Microsoft's Windows Server 2008 set to enter the market, Novell's CEO is optimistic that the company can continue to grow its business even further.
When Sun Microsystems announced financial results this week, The VAR Guy had a moment of clarity: Sun is looking more and more like a larger version of Novell. And The VAR Guy means that in a complimentary way. Here’s why.