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Yes, that's right. A loyal Windows user of more than 15-years is throwing in the towel on Vista. You can read his story for why he finds Vista so annoying, but I'll sum it up for you: Vista sucks.
The evidence shows that Microsoft’s marketing department has not done particularly well with Windows Vista. Almost every story you see about Vista is a negative one. Even I, as a Linux user, think that Vista is better than its reputation. But Microsoft’s marketing is not always a failure, it appears.
"In contrast with Linux and even OS X, [Vista]’s expensive and bloated. Vista’s look may be shiny and attractive, but users aren’t being fooled by what their eyes are seeing. Everywhere you turn on the Internet, it’s easy to find another story of a loyal Windows user who after trying out Vista on their own machine has decided to downgrade to XP."
A few days ago i published a short article describing how Windows Vista would accept incorrect passwords at the login screen. Now, as if God/Microsoft her/himself had intervened, my Vista connected to the network, installed some unspecified update, and the password problem is solved. The weird thing is - Vista refuses to connect to my WLAN, so it shouldn't have been able to get any updates.