
Steve Balmer, the CEO of Microsoft gets pretty scared by the success of Linux & other Open Source Software. Microsoft wants to hire a so-called "Linux and Open Office Compete Lead", as the job description in one their recent marketing job ads shows.

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t1000's picture
Created by t1000 14 years 35 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:
lozz's picture


14 years 35 weeks 3 days 6 hours ago


V-team hit squads

Why "a v-team of 13 district Linux& Open Office Compete Leads,"?

Because "13" is one of those occult symbols that Ballmer always prefers to employ when he is confronted with the Free Software Community.

The "Leads" probably refers to the lead pipes they will be swinging.

"Compete", of course, is the well-known M$ code-word that really means "destroy", as originally defined by Billy Gates' role-model, John D Rockefeller.

Ballmer should just tell the truth and call these units, PHS - Propaganda Hit Squads - that he intends to unleash against the Free Software Community.

Ubuntu87's picture


14 years 35 weeks 2 days 9 hours ago



Very well said, lozz.


"Compete", of course, is the well-known M$ code-word that really means "destroy", as originally defined by Billy Gates' role-model, John D Rockefeller.

lozz's picture


14 years 35 weeks 1 day 20 hours ago


They're so spooky

Yeah, just the way the Microsofts talk to each other, or even to other people, is really so very weird.

You can remember some of the M$-trolls that have tried to get in discussions here and it's almost impossible to make head or tail of what they're trying to say.

After listening to them, and using their strange software, you really get the impression that normal logical thought isn't exactly a strong-point in the M$ camp.

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