AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
Earlier today we wrote about the FTC planning to put an end to bribed bloggers. But they might be targeting the receiving end rather than eradicating the problem at its root. Microsoft bribes bloggers not directly; rather, it uses unethical marketing agencies.
THE FTC may not be the most potent of bodies [1, 2], but it may finally make a move to end the bribing of bloggers. Microsoft is a major culprit [1, 2, 3, 4] and an article about intent to take action specifically mentions Microsoft as an example...
Microsoft is once again on a special tour wherein it pressures popular Web sites to include patent FUD against Android; Apple's bullying of bloggers leads to dissent
I have a little secret to disclose. I sometimes visit Apple.com, not because I have an Apple product. I don't have a Mac and I don't have an iPod nor an iPhone nor iWhatever. Often the sole reason for me going there is to look at the design of the homepage, what new shiny thing do they have to show off. I may be a geek with no life, but pretty much anything that comes out of Apple just screams "You want me! You want me baaad!" :D
A BusinessWeek report suggests that the Nexus One release marks the latest volley in an escalating war between Google and Apple, but could the two companies be better off working together and acting as a check against Microsoft?
When Google released Chrome last Fall, I wrote that it represented a direct attack on Microsoft and Apple. This week, my colleague Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols writes in ComputerWorld that Android could be coming to a Netbook near you by the end of this year.
A great number of new articles about the effects of Apple, Microsoft, and Intellectual Ventures (funded by Apple, Microsoft, and Bill Gates) on Free software