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We wrote some days ago about Microsoft’s “Slog” against VMware. This campaign continues and reaches new heights under a new domain which Microsoft now operates. It’s www.vmwarecostswaytoomuch.com (VMware Costs Too Much). Is this how a publicly-traded company should behave?
Mr. Maritz and his partners/colleagues from Microsoft (former Microsoft executives who run VMware now) help Ballnux and Vista 7 at the expense of GNU/Linux, so Microsoft gets paid either way (or twice, in the case of virtualisation)
Not long ago, I was talking with a friend of mine who works at VMware, the Palo Alto, Calif.-based irtualization software giant. Many people, even very technology-savvy folks, don't realize how big and powerful VMware really is. This is a software company with a market capitalization of nearly $23 billion, and its market cap was larger than that not long ago.
Backed by such familiar names as AMD, Cisco, HP, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Red Hat, Sun, and VMware, the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) has joined the increasingly fragmented fight for so-called open cloud standards.
As soon as I heard the announcement from bright and bushy-tailed VMWare CEO Paul Maritz that the company was shortly going to be releasing their ESX 3i enterprise-class embedded hypervisor for free, I was absolutely thrilled.
VMWare, who once owned the virtualization market, has been under pressure from free alternatives and pre-installed options like Microsoft Hyper-V, which is included with the latest version of Windows Server.
Remember Brett Winterford? The guy whom Microsoft gave a free journey to Redmond (he lives far away in Australia)? The guy who writes for the already-Microsoft-biased ZDNet and soon after his visit to Redmond unleashed some outrageous articles echoing Microsoft’s accusations against IBM and ODF?