AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
The Danish Competition Authority has conducted a market analysis of office software so as to give governmental agencies recommendations for public purchases. The results are a definite "live and let live" between the competing standards ODF and OOXML.
Coming at the time of an economy in recession it looks like Microsoft might actually be scared that customers might not spend money on a Windows upgrade. There's no way to go back in time and prevent the damage to Microsoft's credibility done by the Windows Vista release, we'll just have to wait and see what the future actually holds for Windows 7.
With Novell’s help, alongside those other self-serving initiatives, Microsoft seems to have found a splendid formula for deception and manipulation. The company is perhaps convinced that it can afford to bribe, steal, bully and lie (just watch the OOXML scandals) in order to paint something Windows-specific and patents-riddled like OOXML with the ‘open’ brush.
Or both? ALEX Brown is pretending that all is fine and dandy with OOXML (he even shows a picture of a smiling face), despite all the OOXML corruption which had people protest out in the streets.
Competition authorities in Germany and the United States today highlighted the fundamental role that Free Software plays for competition in the software market.
The ODFalliance.org now has a new OOXML Resource Section. Bellow you will find the complete text from “OOXML Implementations: A Community of One”. If anything, the ODF Alliance analysis is too charitable. OOXML is NOT CLOSE TO a community of one. Documents produced by Microsoft Office 2007 are not OOXML (Ecma 376), DIS 29500, or even DIS 29500 as amended at the BRM.
In Season 5 Episode 12 of LugRadio, "Promotion and Celebrity," Jono Bacon, Stuart Langridge, Chris Proctor and Adam Sweet discuss whether there is any difference between Open Source heroes and the rest of us, take turns to ridicule Chris's opinions, finally announce the winner of an Asus Eee PC in the Pimp My LugRadio competition and start a new competition before reading out your emails which included stuff on Tuxcast, Tunapie, Pyroom, fear of chins and paying for software.
This three-part summary on Microsoft's push for OOXML as an ISO. Its starts from the development of ODF at OASIS to the current gridlock at ISO due to the large influx of new members. Industry Motive: To preserve a monopoly and the fight to protect a four-billion-dollar per year cash cow against those who stand for open standards, against those who want to create even playing fields, fair competition, innovation and open access for everyone to benefit.
Bill Gates has reportedly been making phone calls to the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Commerce to push the American National Standards Institute to ignore the votes of its advisory committees and vote "yes" on ISO standardizing Microsoft's Open Office XML (OOXML) format, the one in competition with the OpenDocument Format (ODF) pushed by IBM and Sun.