The MPAA created the "University Toolkit", a modified version of Xubuntu Linux for universities. However, they made no effort to rebrand it and the site ( does not provide any link to download the sources. Is the MPAA violating copyright and Canonical's trademark (
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Created by AndrewMin 16 years 44 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 44 weeks ago
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16 years 44 weeks 4 days 21 hours ago
Lets assume that the MPAA are not
Lets assume that the MPAA are not licensed to distribute the GPL software without giving recipients access to the source code. According to the article, the MPAA are distributing GPL software without giving the users access to the GPL source code. This would mean that they are failing the terms of the GPL making the terms available under that license void thus, they are committing copyright infringement as they do no have the authority to share the programs.