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Novell has announced that its much-loved "SaX2" tool for the configuration of the X Window System will be retired as of the openSUSE 11.2 release. "Novell has decided to no longer invest in development maintenance of SaX2 but instead rely on the new automatic and dynamic configuration features and invest in desktop applets to perform dynamic changes.
Novell's role in Microsoft PR revisited, along with forgotten offences. OSBC 2009 had ended a short while ago and it was probably a little harsh to focus only on Microsoft's presence over there. Nonetheless, this is part of a pattern and it's clearly damaging to GNU/Linux and Free software.
Novell is "acting as a lap-dog and providing Microsoft with good PR while simultaneously dividing and hurting the FLOSS community," argues The Source, which sees no substantial future for Novell's projects
It's time certain pro-MONOpolists faced the fact that Mono only exists to serve Microsoft. Take away Novell employees' contractual obligation to follow the company's agenda, and suddenly Mono becomes redundant.