The (CNN) article says Microsoft is being unfairly got at because it is successful, poor Microsoft!
'The justification for the shabby treatment of a company that has done nothing but increase the world's prosperity is that it was too big and too successful. Regulators and lawyers avoid that sort of language, though, and instead use weasel words such as "monopoly," "market dominance," "dominant position" and "abuse" to rationalize and enforce vague and antiquated antitrust laws' –
Created by candtalan 17 years 2 weeks ago – Made popular 17 years 2 weeks ago
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17 years 2 weeks 3 days 9 hours ago
Read as though it's a joke. It
Read as though it's a joke. It makes more sense that way. Sadly I don't think it is a joke. This is cnn money.
17 years 2 weeks 3 days 6 hours ago
whoa. Disturbing!!!
whoa. Disturbing!!!