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The Camino Project developers have released version 2.0.3 of their open source web browser for Mac, addressing several critical security vulnerabilities and improving overall stability
Over at the Open Sources blog, Savio Rodrigues calls attention to two critical security vulnerabilities in the Spring Framework for Java. They were discovered by security consultancy Ounce Labs, which disclosed the exploits in a detailed report. If you use Spring for critical business applications, you'll definitely want to be aware of the threats and take appropriate measures.
One of the things that annoys me the most about Microsoft is their love of FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt.) I have no problem with companies marketing their products to customers, but I do object to false conclusions that cannot be backed by real, relevant facts. One argument that bothers me in particular goes like this: our product has fewer security vulnerabilities than yours so it is better. This argument works great for headlines, but when you really look at it, it falls apart.
More than a month after the BSI, a German IT security federal agency, issued a warning about a high-risk vulnerability in Windows7, Microsoft has finally decided to warn their customers in a security advisory.