AboutWelcome to Free Software Daily (FSD). FSD is a hub for news and articles by and for the free and open source community. FSD is a community driven site where members of the community submit and vote for the stories that they think are important and interesting to them. Click the "About" link to read more...
"Today I listened to Richard Stallman's lection which was recorded at Moscow State University..." -- Richard Stallman @ MIPT (Picture Reports) => http://ezheg.livejournal.com/30780.html ;)
Hello Friend I have a doubt about "How Did Richard Stallman React for the following??"
1. If you have send a mail to invite Richard Stallman for an International Conference in FreeSoftware and Free Society. My question is that your attached invitation card is made in MICROSOFT WORD ( .doc File) , How will he react????
In one of my earliest blog posts here I called Richard Stallman, a father of the open source movement and almost immediately got a personal nastygram. From Richard Stallman. I appreciated it and have sought to be more careful. Stallman believes in free software, which he calls Free Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS). (It’s also called Free Open Source Software (FOSS).)
"We are holding our first public presentation and Richard Stallman will be our guest! [..] The Founder of the Free Software Foundation, Richard Stallman, is stopping in Ottawa for meetings with government and non-governmental officials. He is enroute back to MIT after receiving an honorary degree from Lakehead University, Thunder Bay.
Once more unto the breach my friends, Richard M. Stallman (RMS) has laid another profound thought process out there for us to digest. This man is definitely deserves everyone's respect. Whether you agree with him or not, he has given the whole planet gifts that it does not even realize for the most part.
Open Source is not about freedom, nor is it about licenses. It's about community. Of course everyone knows about Richard Stallman's concern about having the freedom to modify all software on his machine. Tim O'Reilly has had a concern for many years that Open Source licenses do not keep software Open Source when it is not being distributed but instead performed as in Web 2.0 applications.
"Richard Stallman, otherwise known as rms or the founder of the free software movement, will be in town for a series of lectures at UBC and BCIT. I have been reading Stallman’s stuff since I wrote my master’s thesis in 2003. Although sometimes passed off as a crank, much of Stallman’s work has proven accurate, insightful and even prescient over the years.
Whenever I make a real egregious error here, like confusing FOSS with open source, I can usually count on a short e-mail from Richard Stallman, dear old RMS himself. So I hope he forgives me going all Richard Stallman on the Obama Administration.