
As some of you may know, Beranger, a long-time FOSS-lover/’harsh critic’ has ended his love-hate relationship with Linux by announcing to the whole world that he has jumped ship.

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lando's picture
Created by lando 16 years 12 weeks ago – Made popular 16 years 12 weeks ago
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16 years 12 weeks 3 days 11 hours ago


Hasta la Vista?

Bye bye, Beranger, I guess you'll be staying home for Christmas after getting your brand new Vista, brand new Office, then enough brand new hardware that Vista will agree to commence operations, after its fashion.

Here's a copy of a Christmas card the Free Software Community can now send to Steve Ballmer;

"Merry Christmas Stevie boy. We're sending you this slightly used Beranger for your Christmas pressie. It's kind of a novelty item because it whinges all the time, no matter what you do.(hint: you could try placating it with one of those "complimentary" laptops you give out to selected bloggers, but you'll have to put in plenty of ram so it can run its new Vista a bit faster than Win 3.11 on a 486, or you'll never hear the end of it)

We were kind of stuck for a suitable reply to your generous present of that Hovesepian, back in 2006, until this surplus Beranger suddenly became available. We can guarantee you'll hear from it about 3 minutes after it first manages to get Vista running, then again, and again, and again......"

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