
Bashing Microsoft for being closed and proprietary has been a popular pastime in the media and the IT industry for many years, and there is no doubt that much of this has been well deserved...Apple’s business is evolving and see a lot of similar traits to those that were apparent as Microsoft was gaining power.

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bluecheese's picture
Created by bluecheese 15 years 43 weeks ago – Made popular 15 years 43 weeks ago
Category: Opposition   Tags:
aboutblank's picture


15 years 43 weeks 8 hours 36 min ago


You should Value Your Freedom

This a plea for people to value their freedom. While people are completely justified for vilifying Microsoft for their evil actions, people seem to be short sighted as they seem to forget that other companies are equally evil. Apple is equally guilty as Microsoft of distributing proprietary software, promoting anti-features in their products, promoting treacherous computing as well as promoting digital restrictions management. All this are true of other well known companies such as Nintendo and Sony.

There is really only one way to get these companies to stop abusing society: society should stop supporting abusive actions of these companies. Unfortunately, society will continue to support abusive actions as the majority of society are ignorant or amoral about the issues.

So please, value your freedom and stop supporting these abusive attacks on our freedom.

lozz's picture


15 years 42 weeks 6 days 22 hours ago


The enemy of my enemy

Yeah, the old mis-logic that, "the enemy of my enemy must therefore be my friend". We shouldn't fall victim to such faulty reasoning, Apple certainly won't.

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