Glyn Moody looks at an example of how a patent on one line of code can inhibit innovation for a generation and how that lesson should not be forgotten when the government is asking what an open standard is.
Full story »Glyn Moody looks at an example of how a patent on one line of code can inhibit innovation for a generation and how that lesson should not be forgotten when the government is asking what an open standard is.
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12 years 47 weeks 1 day 8 hours ago
It's significant that this obscenity surfaced in the UK; a spiritual home to empire, monopoly and Royal Patents.
Besides outright criminal conduct, the system of Royal Patents is one of the major sources of wealth for the Global Elite.
The payment might well be made in the US to an international corporation, but it still siphons back to its ultimate destination.
That's why any corporation hoping to do business in the City of London is obliged to have a British Lord on the Board. His main job is to ensure that the City of London Global Elite get their cut of the take; every cent of it. The corporation pays him a fortune to spy on them.
The system of Royal Patents was never designed to assist innovation, but to throttle it by demanding payment for each and every attempt to innovate.
The Queen of England would gladly give Ballmer and Gates knighthoods for "playing the game" and just as gladly see Richard Stallman boiled alive in oil, for not doing so.